Stellar Cartography

The Galaxean Domain

Galaxean Zone (A) Home zone of the Galax. This tech rich, null magic zone enabled the Galax to develop their psionic abilities scientifically. In turn, this has allowed them to take a more structured approach to using such powers in other zones. The Galax have enough experience to allow them to use such abilities effectively in most zones, even those composed of aberrant realities.
Entry to this zone is restricted, not least because of the surrounding [Barrier], which is a highly erratic aberrant zone. While the Galax do not welcome trespassers within this zone, they will aid any damaged or disabled crafts which inadvertantly enter it.
Primean Zone (B) Home zone of the Primeans. The difficulty in technological development in this tech starved zone led the Primeans to rely on magic before the Galax helped them develop their innate psionic abilities.
Travellers are always welcome in this zone, provided they do not wish to cause trouble. The Galax will offer aid to any in need and shelter those who are wrongly pursued. Any aggression in this zone will be met with non-lethal force. The aggressor(s) will be disabled, sanctioned and/or expelled from the zone.
The Galax also keep the neighbouring zones under close scrutiny and will often extend their presence into such unclaimed zones to prevent hostilities.
Pri Mordius (E) A Primal Clay zone which the Galax are currently studying.
Consensus Zone (C) In this tiny zone (4ly across with a single planetary system), a sentient's mind has the power to directly alter reality. The Galax are currently experimenting with this zone's Q-dex in attempts to emulate known q-dexes from other zones, as well investigating how well their abilities work in near-aberrant q-dexes.
Barrier A chaotic aberrant zone forming a quantum barrier around the Galaxean Zone.

The Galaxean Zone

Galaxus System A-1 Home System to the Galax.
A-2 Brown Dwarf
A-3 Black Hole
A-4 White Dwarf
A-5 Black Hole
A-6 Brown Dwarf - binary system
A-7 White Dwarf

Galaxus System

Stel Galaxus A-1/A A dark red dwarf, approx 970000 lifes (9.7bn years) old.
Proximus A-1/A.1 A warm wet microbe-ridden planet.
Galax A-1/A.2 The Galax homeworld is composed mostly of silicate-compounds, with a liquid metallic core. 60% of the surface is covered with a sea of liquid ammonia. Thick layers of ammonia ice permanently cover the ploes. The atmosphere consists of 88.1% Nitrogen, 6.3% Oxygen, 2.9% Hydrogen, 1.2% ammonia vapor, 0.9% Xeon, 0.5% Krypton, 0.1% other. Average surface temperature is 197K. Gravity is 12.47G.
Betas A-1/A.3 This planet is unremarkable save for its twelve crystalline rings.
Extremus A-1/A.4 This ice-ball consists largely of frozen nitrogen, which thaws twice per 5000-year orbit due to its elliptical path around Galaxus.

The Primean Zone

Primean System B-1 Home System to the Primeans.
B-2 Planetary Solar System
B-3 Planetary Solar System

Primean System

Stel Primus B-1/A A cool green star, approx 830000 lifes (8.3bn years) old.
Proxime B-1/A.1 A hot barren desert of a world.
Vistaal B-1/A.2 Once an acidic storm-wracked world, Vistaal was terraformed by the Galax to produce a habitat suitable for humanoid life. With a gravity of 1.26 and a nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere, Vistaal supports a stable ecosystem that the Galax purpose built with life from a dozen q-zones. This utopia provides the Galax a place to interact with the Young Ones in what most humanoids would consider to be a comfortable environment.
Stratus B-1/A.3 A liquid planet with 5 rings and 3 moons.
  • Unoz B-1/A.3.1
This sulphurous world is extremely hot due to the gravitic forces exerted on it by Stratus.
  • Duoz B-1/A.3.2
A large chunk of metallic ore.
  • Triz B-1/A.3.3
This dustball is composed of highly oxized materials.
Saer B-1/A.4 Primea's warmer sister planet, Saer is home to the true indigenous life of the Primean system - primitive carbon based flora and fauna.
  • Companion B-1/A.4.1
Satellite of Saer.
Primea B-1/A.5 Homeworld of the Primeans.
Froo-Cha'al B-1/A.6 This deformed planet was subjected to a cataclysmic impact in its distant past. A rogue asteroid hit it with such force that a large portion of the planet was blasted into space forming Froo-Cha'al's solitary moon, Zi-For.
  • Zi-For B-1/A.6.1
A small charred lump of rock.
Solace B-1/A.7 The outermost planet of the Primean system is little more than a desolate frozen rock.

Pri Mordius

E-1 Planetary Solar System
E-2 Binary Planetary Solar System

Consensus Zone

C-1 Planetary Solar System

Note The indexing system is as follows:
Zone - System / Star . Planet . Satellite