The Polarian Star Force

a.k.a. PSF


Important Bulletin: A new inhabited planet planet was discovered in the Polarian Solar System. By this we do not mean that an existing planet was discovered to be inhabited. We mean that a new planet has been discovered. It has been masked from sensors and visual sightings because of some very powerful magic. We do not know what kind of beings inhabit this planet yet. In a few days, the Polarian star Force will be sending an expedition to this planet. Keep your eyes open for updates. 

The Polarian Star Force is an exploratory organization founded on the planet Polaria. They have thus not been able to exit the area surrounding their Solar System because of an energy barrier. The barrier consists of magnetic pockets so powerful that it would take infinite mass in order to cross it. Research has determined that the only way to achieve infinite mass is through the use of superluminal flight. This technology, however, has yet to be discovered. 
We urge you to visit the Polarian tourism and trade centre. There you will find more information about Polaria and its solar system, as well as valuable tourism and trade information.


CoLC Index


Q-dex / Technology / Magic
Size / Population / Climate & Geography / Flora & Fauna
History / Government / Foreign Policy / Domestic Policy
Society / Languages / Religions / Castes / Economy
Military / Sports & Leisure / Major Population Centers / Chronic Problems


T778.2413/475.703A M234.0560/357.11


 Technology is fairly advanced on Polaria. Space flight has been commonplace for several hundred years, but because of the barrier, the Star Force cannot make contact with other planets. The Polarians also have replication technology, lowering their construction costs immensely. This has made Polaria a very efficient industrial planet, and is sure to be a welcome addition to the galaxy once the barrier can be crossed.


Because of the severe magical quantum storms, magic has little practical use on Polaria. Long ago, it was used in religious ceremonies. They thought they were using it to contact their gods, when in fact the incantations they used provided little more than spectacular special effects. When one of the incantations went awry because of a quantum storm and ended up killing people, it was accepted that their deaths were the will of the gods. 
Nowadays, magic is not used. Although it has never been proven, the reason may be that when the ancient Polarians started trying to use magic for practical things, the storm made it next to impossible. That was when technology took hold. 
Now, however, scientists are starting to look for a way to stabilize the magical front in an effort to create a faster-than-light engine.


The Polarian Star Force exists in only one solar system, called Utopia. Surely there would be more solar systems, but as yet, the barrier cannot be crossed, and therefore, Utopia is isolated from the rest of the galaxy. There are small colonies on Polaria’s moon.


Polaria is populated by approximately 465 million citizens. The small colonies on the moon hold only 20 thousand colonists, although efforts are being made to increase this capacity.

Climate and Geography:

Polaria has three main continents. One is a complete desert and is uninhabitable, although rumors are that there are nomadic tribes living there. These rumors have never been proven. The other two continents are mainly plains and grassland, and are ideal for industry. Polaria’s surface is 60% water. 
 The weather on the two inhabited continents is moderate. There is average precipitation and the temperature holds within 10 degrees of 20 Celsius. They are not much to speak of. The desert continent, however, is ravaged by fierce windstorms, making air scouting impossible through the thick dust clouds that hang perpetually over the continent. Land scouting is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Crevices periodically open and close in the ground, and the thick layer of sand confuses the repulsor beams of the land skimmers.  So the desert continent remains much a mystery to the citizens of Polaria.

Flora and Fauna:

Polaria’s life is extremely basic, which leads historians to believe that the sentient life on the planet, which is complex life, may have been brought by a long forgotten space-faring race. Only simple plants and animals live in Polaria, which increases the need for replicated nourishment instead of raised livestock.


The history of Polaria is shrouded in mystery. The Polarians prefer to look toward the future rather than the past. However, this much has been discovered: 
 Record date back only a few thousand years. At first the Polarians were a mystical society, devoted to magic and religion. They remained this way for several thousand years, until about one thousand years ago, the Polarian industrial boom began. With the invention of replication technology, construction and production costs were reduced significantly, to say the least. Over the years, Polaria became so industry oriented that magic was slowly given up for technology. The industrial boom is still in effect. 
 About three hundred years ago, space flight was invented, and industry was pursued with increasing vigor. The Star Force was organized and it was assumed that first contact was a step away. However, the barrier prevented this from being accomplished. Since the discovery of the barrier, the industrial boom has been slowing down. Magic is now being rediscovered, but only in a primitive fashion. 
 To this day, no important advances have been made.


The Government has several factions, that work together to represent the interests of all the citizens. 

Polarian Council of Leaders- The Council of Leaders deal with diplomatic issues. They represent the desires of the general public. They deal with religion and racial problems, although not many of those have arisen. Since the contact with the Golem Homeworld recently, they have also dealt with diplomacy with other interstellar empires. 

Polarian Science Advisory Board- They deal with scientific issues, such as the trade of technology, or the feasibility of any major scientific project. Since the industrial boom, they have had a major influence on the goings on of many of the activities of the planet. 

Polarian Trade Association- They deal with trade agreements, on planet and off. They have the least influence of the government factions. 

Polarian Star Force- This was initially a branch of the Science Advisory Board, but over the years they broke off and are now a separate part of the Government. They are busy at the moment trying to find a way through the magnetic barrier. 

Polarian Military Faction- This faction was created rather hastily after contact with the Omnet. They have little duty yet, but that is expected to change soon. 

Foreign Policy: Foreign contact is very new on Polaria, and so no guidelines have been established. Basically, the Government factions work together to make agreements that are beneficial to all parties involved. 

Domestic Policy: The government lets the citizens lead their own lives with only minimal structure. They wish to encourage any creative thought, which may lead to the end of their rut. Law enforcement is minimal, because the Polarians are an extremely ordered race, making infractions of the law quite rare.


Society on Polaria is family based, but certain families tend to group together  depending on their interests or religious beliefs. There are many different religions on Polaria, and so long as these religions do not get out of hand (human sacrifices, etc.) the people are allowed to belong to any group they wish. However, because of the suspected common heritage from another system, the religions tend to hold on to the same main principles, therefore all but eliminating religious persecution, and creating an all around ordered society. 

Languages: There are several different languages spoken, and most coincide with a specific religious group. However, they all share common points just like the religions, making inter-racial communication extremely easy. 

Religion: While religion used to be the driving force in Polarian society, that is no longer the case. Religion means almost nothing, and by now it only serves as a point of reference. 

Castes: Aside from the levels of government, all the citizens on Polaria are basically the same in stature.


Unlike most cultures, the Polarians never saw any need for currency. They trade service for service or service for product or product for product. They have found this system to be effective, and they require nothing more.


As the Polarians are an ordered race, they have little need for a military. The government has an honor guard, but they have little actual military training, and their main purpose is to make the members of the government look important. Having just made contact with other empires, they have almost no military spatial forces. However, the new military faction is lobbying to create a new fleet of military vessels.

Sports and Leisure:

The citizens of Polaria are mainly scholars, and the entertainment they enjoy most is just reading a good book. Thus, no works of art, visual or otherwise, ever became famous on Polaria.

Major Population Centers:

Unlike most races, the Polarians also see no need for cities. They live wherever they want, and therefore cover their continents almost completely. Only one major centre exists, the High Temple, which, despite its religious sounding name, is nothing more than a Planet Hall, so to speak.

Chronic Problems:

The citizens of Polaria are losing faith in science, and the order of their society is gradually falling apart. It is still a bustling economic centre, but no one knows for how long.

Submission Information:

Submitter's Name: Bryan Spitz  
Submitter's Email:

Sifter's Name: Dave Johnson