Reid Empire

The Triple Worlds, The Triple Worlds of Jintati/Perok/Shoncior
Recently Known As: The Dual Worlds, The Dual Worlds of Jintati/Perok


Fifty-five years after the Rebellion of Xander Reid, the people of Jintati, functional seat of the Reid Empire, have lived through tumultuous changes in their understanding of the Universe. Once a giant faceless bureaucracy structured a clockwork society, the wonders of magic suffered in barren exile and the universe was nothing more than two worlds held together by an ancient spell.

Now, in their third government in those fifty years, a single Emperor stands accountable for the actions of those in power. Ancient enchanted starships and factory produced steam-powered and spring-wound space vessels ply the vast distances between the forty-two worlds of the Empire. The colonies of the Reid Empire bring culture and technology to the long abandoned domain of the Aa Province, a star-spanning government that fell apart thousands of years ago. And at the heart of all this, the triple worlds, three giant planets held in fixed geometry by the Great Spell, where one third of the Empire's population dwells. Jintati and Perok are held about 15 meters apart at their closest points, and Shoncior is four times the diameter of the planets from Jintati.

Jintati, a world of steam and clockwork. 85% of the planet's surface, including the oceans, consists of one giant sprawling megalopolis. This is a world of rust, steam, factory and city. The great machine that is Jintati digs deep into the earth and the seas. Once overcrowded, now with the colonization of the outer worlds large districts lay abandoned, mechanized or fallow.

Perok, a shattered wilderness filled with magical beasts and lost artifacts.

Shoncior, home of once-stranded enchanters and the ruins of the ancient Aa Province.


CoLC Index


Q-dex / Technology / Magic
Size / Population / Climate & Geography / Flora & Fauna
History / Government / Foreign Policy / Domestic Policy
Society / Languages / Religions / Castes / Economy
Military / Sports & Leisure / Major Population Centers / Chronic Problems


This is tentative, I'm not positive I understand the index, and may change
later due to point expenditure.

T 588.4197/469.684A M 364.3188/110.21


The primary technology of the Reid Empire is mechanization: gears, pulleys, springs and clockwork, taken to extreme levels of technological advancement. Giant furnaces and geothermal stations use steam power to wind SPE (Spring Potential Energy) Coils and raise GPE (Gravitational Potential Energy) towers. Countless mechanized and assembly-line factories on Jintati pump out a tremendous amount of consumable goods, spacecraft, and other technologies. Recent advances in chemistry have produced rudimentary forms of firearms (no match for current spring-loaded projectile weapons), combustion engines, and photography.


For countless years, there was no magic on Jintati. The Reid Empire, however, has reclaimed long lost magics. The people of Perok have kept alive ancient rituals through traditional practices. And the Shonciorians retain lost knowledge of enchantment. Additionally, great artifacts from the ancient Aa Province have been discovered (including fleets of spacecraft).


The space claimed by the Reid Empire consists of forty-two planets spread across eight star systems.
Aa System: Jintati, Perok, Shoncior
The planets about Aa are relatively huge compared to the planets in the outer systems. One third of the population of the Empire lives and works here, primarily on the industrialized world of Jintati, and the space stations that orbit it.
Tebras System: 9 Planets
Yl System: 8 Planets
Jorr System: 7 Planets
Tna System: 5 Planets
Comer System: 4 Planets
Nur System: 4 Planets
Rish System: 2 Planets


Coming soon

Climate and Geography:

Because of the Great Spell and the lack of moons, there are no seasons to speak of on the Triple Worlds. Time is measured in fiftydays because the people of Jintati use a base 50 counting system. Seven fiftydays make up a 350 day year.


The world of Jintati has almost no natural geography remaining. Fully 85% of the planet's surface has been urbanized and industrialized. There is a thick blanket of moist air resulting from the countless steam engines operating on the planets surface. There is no weather to speak of, the temperature remains constantly warm (about 95 degrees) except in the shadow of Perok, where it varies all the way down to about 60 degrees.
Although the world of Perok now has pleasant weather and no seasons, variations in the Great Spell have recently wrought havoc on its climate. The effects can still be seen on the shattered landscape, although forestation has begun to spring up in some regions, most of the planet is covered with battered wastelands, deserts, and extremely rough vegetation.
Shoncior has a mostly temperate climate throughout, and the most notable terrain are huge forests that fill several of the planet's continents.

Flora and Fauna:

Other that the occasional bug or rodent, the only animal life on Jintati is human. The only plants to be found are those in farms or artificial gardens, those plants cultivated exclusively by the human hand.
Perok is home to a large variety of magical beast, the most notorious being Perokian Dragons (including the high-flying Icedragon and the gargantuan Sundragon) and the terrible Moltars. There is very little vegetation on much of Perok, save a few very hearty species, and now overgrown underground gardens sometimes kept by the nomadic Perokians during the Exile of Perok.

Shoncior is home to an extremely wide variety of plants and animals that can be found nowhere else in Imperial Space. Unlike Perok, nothing here provides a threat to human life.


The history of the Reid Empire is a difficult one to relate straight through, and so it shall be presented in various stages, ushering the reader through the paradigm shifts in knowledge experienced by Jintatians in the recent years of tumult. Let the reader be aware that the current year in the Imperial Calendar is 997.

The History Of The Dual Worlds As It Was Known In 970
[An Excerpt From "Universal Inter-System Salutation", written by Primary
Minister of Relations Javert Bueran in 989]

It is our assumption that we belonged to the so-called "Kendis-Dai Empire" some three thousand odd years ago, but our oldest information doesn't approach that time.

The earliest historic event we can guess about happened some two thousand years ago. We assume something of significance must have happened at this time. Our current year-numbering system was established at the fall of a great world-spanning empire we know little about (the Old Empire). We know that the Old Empire fell in the year 1000 of their calendar, 987 years ago.

The Old Empire was a glorious one that united our worlds. We know they spanned all of our worlds by the monuments they left behind. For hundreds of years these monuments were a mystery to us...they appear as giant city sized cubes of stone. These cubes appear everywhere, in the middle of forests, high atop mountains, half immersed in lakes, standing alone on the plains...the cubes are one piece, hewn of solid stone. The method of their construction is unknown to us. It was eventually discovered that the cubes are hollow, and entrances underneath leading to long-ago collapsed tunnels are the entrances to these cities in stone. This discovery was made when a city-cube was found that had toppled onto its side.

The reign of the Old Empire, a period of time we have named the Age Of Clouds, must have been a pleasant age, but it came crashing down in a surprisingly short period. In the year 1000 of the old Imperial Calendar a man named Galiais wrote a manifesto referred to as the Proclamation Of Destiny. Galiais was a statesman, historian, philosopher, and prophet. The Proclamation Of Destiny contained many powerful ideas, and was reproduced thousands of times and spread across the entire Old Empire. It presented the following ideas:

  • There was something great before the Old Empire that had been forgotten.
  • A powerful destiny guides us all.
  • There are worlds beyond that we knew.
  • A glorious leader would arise from our worlds. This leader would be at the forefront of revolution.
  • He would be a conqueror, and he would bring glory to our worlds, and be of unimaginable importance.

(This is the current interpretation, at the time I'm sure no one would have imagined worlds beyond Jintati/Perok...the Primary Minister of The Past himself personally continues to study the Proclamation Of Destiny.) This document had a profound impact. Our people have a very strong belief in Galiais' Destiny, we believe that we have a purpose, and that amazing coincidences happen to guide us along the path of history.

We also believe that, although we have had great leaders, the prophesized one has yet to come, and when he does come he will bring glory to our people. The issuance of the Proclamation Of Destiny is year 1 of our calendar. The ninety-nine years that followed are refereed to as the Age Of Blood.

Every dangerous fool in the entirety of our worlds decided that he was the prophesized conqueror, raised a band of anywhere from three to ten thousand men, and tried to kill everyone else who though they were the great conqueror. The Empire crumbled. The cities were sacked. Thousands of tiny petty wars divided our once unified worlds into a shattered chaos. Culture and learning collapsed.

By the year 100 things had settled down. The Age Of War began, a semi-stable feudal period that lasted six hundred years. This time is mostly of little importance, but something happened along the way. The people of our worlds began to mysteriously diverge into two races.We don't know how or why this happened, and most simply ascribe it to Destiny, but the Ministries of The Mind and The Past are working together to try to understand this phenomenon.

Those of us referred to today as Jintatians are have ruddy, redder skin, and an inherent knack for the technological side of our nature. The Perokians are paler with bluish skin and innate magical ability.

This shouldn't be seen as deprecating (in our religion Jintati represents the forces of good, and Perok evil), but merely reflects historical and geographical occurrences detailed below.

In the year 668 the stream engine was invented. The end of the seventh century saw tremendous advances in technology (an Industrial Revolution, if you will). It also saw the formation of the Baereen Council, a group of the few dozen most powerful magicians in our worlds at the time. The Council had a vision of another unified government, and used their magic to find a way to make it happen. They conceived a plan to work with the leading technologists and become the only wielders of magic in all the world.

Establishing a huge research facility/city (Baeraanoi) on the southern pole of Jintati, the Baereen Council studied the Great Spell intently. It was there that the Council created an artifact to focus their tremendous power, the Central Heart. The Heart was housed in Baeraanoi and used to cast three spells that set the stage for the next two hundred and fifty years of history. The first allowed the government and army of technologists they had organized and galvanized to quickly conquer the world. The second allowed this burgeoning world government to round up every last magic-using Perokian, every magical beast, and nearly every magical artifact, and exile them exclusively to the world of Perok. The final spell allowed them to alter the Great Spell...the world of Perok (with everything magical aside from the Baereen Council) was removed from Jintati, cast into an extreme elliptical orbit, and its rotation slowed. The result, aside from separation, was a sudden terribly harsh environment on Perok. All of a sudden there were seasons...and they were harsh seasons. Long and terrible winters and summers lasted for years of agony each. Days and nights lasted weeks each. The scorching heat of mid-day in the height of summer was enough to set the forests afire. The terrible cold of midnight in the dead of winter was enough to crack the mountainsides. The moderate and pleasant world became a nightmare wasteland, ruled by the hardiest of the magical beasts. Most of the Perokians perished. One tenth of one percent of the population was able to eke out a desperate living, but once again all the culture and learning that had been gained was washed away. The Perokians became nomads and barbarians, and fought a daily struggle for survival.

After the Purification Of Science (in 707), the Baereen Council set their energies towards studying the Proclamation Of Destiny. Four years later, they were gone. The halls of the Baeraanoi empty, the Central Heart gone. History shows no further sign of them. If current conjecture is correct, and the Proclamation Of Destiny hints of extra-planetary life, perhaps the Council passed into the Greater Universe.The Government of Jintatians set-up by the Baereen Council were more than happy to be rid of the last of the magicians. They believed all the rhetoric of the evils of witchcraft that they had been told, and they promptly set themselves on the task of establishing industry, forwarding science, and mechanizing society. The regimented glorification period of 700-940 is known as the Age Of Clockwork. The technology of mechanics was developed to incredible heights. Steam power plants grew up around every volcano. Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) Towers and Factories for winding Elastic Potential Energy (EPE) Coils grew to litter the landscape. The world was covered with iron. Cities appeared everywhere, even beneath the earth and on and in the sea itself. Giant caverns containing EPE coils of tremendous size were constructed and are still being wound. The world of Jintati is now 85% covered by one sprawling megalopolis. It is a city of rust, for excess steam blankets the planet. The city is tended in patches, areas are abandoned then reformed later. Different sections are active at different times, rather like in agriculture. Artificial gardens and farms do appear in the iron and steel expanses, we must eat like any others. All forms of mechanical technology soared during this period. Chemistry, however, was foolishly seen as chaotic and illogical, and dubbed witchcraft akin to the banished magic. Why steam power was spared makes little sense, but apparently it was simple enough to be grasped by The Government.

Along with technology, society became more and more mechanized. Two classes emerged among the Jintatins. The upper class lived a strictly regimented life, heavily observed by The Government and each other, paying for every economic advantage with strict loyalty and controlled behavior. These were the innovators and administrators. The lower class of laborers (roughly equal in size to the upper class due to automation) lived a somewhat squalid urban life, but they were free to live their own way, being considered, and considering themselves, of little political important.

Life could have continued like this for all eternity if Destiny hadn't taken a hand in things. Earlier I declared that every last blue-skinned magician had been banished to Perok...that was almost true. Towards the latter end of the Age Of War, when the division between the blues and the reds had become truly distinct, inter-racial relationships were totally unheard of.

In all the worlds there had been one. The woman involved, a Jintatian, was delivering a baby when the Relocation Troops of The Government came to her home. The newborn baby, and his father, were taken away. Some tiny hole in the second Baereen spell allowed the troops to overlook the twin brother born half an hour later. This one in a million intervention is one of the strongest arguments for Destiny, and the current belief in individualism.

The elder son went with his father to Perok, where his children' children would survive an impossible harsh world. The Jintatian blood would thin for ten generations until Varek Reid, a remarkable individual, would embark on a quest for the fate of his people in 730.

As remarkable as Varek Reid was, he was nothing compared to his distant cousin, Xander Reid. In 921 Xander Reid was born to the lower class of Jintatians. By that year, the clockwork regimented society had risen to total world domination. The upper class was under a more watchful eye that ever before. The lower class was living in deeper poverty than ever before. The individual was no more. People of means weren't allowed to differ from the norm, or to treat one fellow citizen alike from another. People of lower class were in no position to respect themselves or serve any function other than virtual slave labor. It was a dark time of bureaucratic and automated life. The people worked. The upper class did nothing but work and sleep. The lower class was permitted a few hours a day to entertain themselves.

Xander was a boy with a big personality. Xander Reid was an individual. Thriving on public attention, Xander became a performer, entertaining his fellow laborers with song and comedy. He was also a natural leader. Due to the nature of Xander's father's skills the family was required to move often. Xander began to write and perform plays, songs and comedy wherever he went. He began to achieve underground fame in the communities of the laborers of Jintati. Everywhere he went, the people loved him, and he had something that no one on Jintati had had in two hundred years: a name that meant something. Xander became more and more resentful of the upper class' position, while simultaneously pitying their lack of identity.

In 940, after ten years of journeying through the shattered lands, Varek Reid found a magical artifact in a broken city-cube on the South Pole of Perok (the deepest core of the terrible wilderness - the North Poles had been defined as where the worlds came closest). He found a way to commune with his cousin - he communicated his plight and somehow sent to Xander the ability to awaken the magical potential deep within him, from his partly Perokian blood. Varek died within the broken city-cube, but his brother carried on his quest in parallel.

Xander was now fortified with a power Jintati didn't know and couldn't stop. He traveled to Baeraanoi, and gained access. The facility was untouched in two hundred and thirty years...there had been magical seals on the entrances that had totally baffled the Jintatians. What happened to Xander inside the facility is unknown, but he was able to reverse the third Baereen spell and restore the world of Perok to its place beside Jintati. In a glorious revolution, Xander unified the low class Jintatians, the saved Perokians, and the near-clone upperclassmen, liberated all from their personal prisons, brought glory to his name, shattered the regimented society and ushered in a new age of identity. The Reunification occurred in 941. The Rebellion Of Xander Reid was complete in 942.

Xander Reid was a born leader and a big personality, an entertainer and a philosopher, under his leadership the suffering people found their morale soothed and bolstered with a feeling of unified community, and a series of projects. We of the Reid Empire recognize that there is good and evil is all of us. Xander Reid could never have accomplished what he did if he hadn't been an egomaniac. Xander Reid gloried in himself, and we, his people, gloried in him. His stories and songs and plays were spread throughout the worlds, his fame and our love for him grew, his picture was hung in every home, his symbol was carved in every building and every economic product, his name was on everyone's lips, and great statues and monuments were erected in his glory. The Age Of Spirit was one of good spirits and high morale in all people. But it couldn't last forever.

The Origins of the Reid Empire

After having lived through such a world-shaking revolution, the people of the Dual Worlds thought that they would now settle down and begin their new life. Little did they know that this was only the beginning of the many changes that would form their future. In the year 971 contact was made with the Kalikari, and the Greater Universe was discovered. This was the beginning of the Age Of Glory, a time of increasing galactic awareness.

Once again, an except from the "Universal Inter-System Salutation":

For Xander Reid, it was the end of the world. Xander had gone from nothing to everything. He had gone from the son of a worthless laborer to unquestioned lord of all the world. He had saved two peoples, one from the elements and one from themselves. Suddenly the world was much, much bigger, and Xander wasn't the lord. In 972 Xander Reid was put under house arrest by the 972 Provisional Government. The people loved him, we love him to this day. But we understood that he could no longer be our leader. He had given us so much, but he could no longer be trusted to take us further.

Xander Reid spent three years designing a series of space vessels for his people's next age...and one special ship for himself. He then continued to write and to entertain for ten years while the fleet was constructed. In 974 our current government was established and named the Reid Empire in honor of the greatest man in the history of our two peoples. In 985, at a special compound consisting of a launch facility, a university of knowledge regarding his life, and the largest statue of Xander Reid ever constructed (standing 4000 meters tall), The Glory Of Xander Reid (a 1500 meter radius disc-shaped space-vessel) lifted off with Xander Reid, his family, and his household staff before an audience of 500,000. His writings are still circulating, his plays are still being performed, and work continues on his final project (a giant mesh in his image). The year is 989, and Xander Reid's people reach out to the stars.

The Path To Eight Stars

And yet the Empire then is merely a shadow of it's current glory. There would be further great changes that would once again strain our understanding of our universe and our history. It was in the year 989 that then Primary Minister of The Past Tellian
Duross made an amazing discovery that would open countless doors. Working for the first time with Perokian academics, he discovered that due to identical backgrounds and cultural standpoints, Jintatian scholars had consistently mistranslated the Proclamation Of Destiny. He first hit upon this when a young Perokian translated a passage always accepted to be "when the world is suffering" as "when two become three". Work on retranslating Galiais' manifesto began and lead Duross to a stunning conclusion: there was a third planet about the Dual Worlds' sun. For the people of Jintati, whose entire view of life was based on duality, this was just as shocking a change as the thought of life beyond their world. It is here that the hand of Destiny took hold of the history of the Reid Empire, as a third world, the planet Shoncior, appeared in the Jintatian sky, diametrically opposed to Perok, and much farther away. The young Imperial fleets immediately sped to Shoncior, where they found, of all things, the descendants of the Council of Baereen. Apparently the Council had been studying the Proclamation of Destiny, had learned of the third planet, and had used the Heart to travel there. But when the Heart was taken from Bareenoi it lost it's power, and the great enchanters had been stranded on their new world. The greenish skinned Shonciorians were eager to join the Reid Empire, and brought back the lost knowledge of enchantment that had been scattered during the Purification of Science. The other major gift Shoncior gave the Reid Empire were ruins and records. Information was found revealing much of the long lost past…the truth was discovered about the mysterious Old Imperium which had reigned before Galiais' Proclamation Of Destiny had been issued, and of the government which occupied this space before.

About 2300 years ago was the time of the Tellarakka Empire, a huge government that spanned most of the space near the Reid Empire. The Aa Province was one state within the Tellarakka Empire, filling the quantum zone of what is now the Reid Empire. The Aa Province was centered on the planet Shoncior, about the star Aa, in the system which also contains the worlds Jintati and Perok. The Province also contained seven other star systems, and a grand total of forty two planets. The Aa Province was a proud member of the Tellarakka Empire, but, as the years passed, dissent grew within the Provinces. One by one, revolutions began, an isolationist frenzy spread, and Provinces began fighting with the central authority of the Empire to secede and close off their borders. At first, the battle went well for the Empire, but it began losing the outermost Provinces, and slowly became weaker and weaker as it unraveled from within. The Wars Of Descent, as the Provinces fought the Empire for their right to be independent and isolated, lasted many years, over which the borders claimed by the Empire constantly shrank.

About 2000 years ago, the border that the Empire could truly defend militarily had shrunk to no longer enclose the Aa Province. Aa, however, remained proudly loyal to Tellarakka. All that changed overnight. The isolationists party of Aa launched a coup, quickly conquering the Aa System. The remaining loyalists sent out a cry for help to Tellarakka, but the Empire was too busy struggling to sustain itself, and couldn't get a military force out to Aa anyway. The isolationists abandoned Shoncior, the former seat of the province, killed nearly all loyalists, and stranded the others in a harsh condition, after rounding up all their "technology" (which was all enchantment based) into cities and sealing them off. Most of the populations of the 39 other planets in the Province were decimated, but on some worlds a small number of former loyalists remained. Stripped of their culture and material goods, these people started over, and in the 2000 years that followed advanced at a much slower rate than the people of the Dual Worlds.

The seven star systems other than Aa, and the former Provincial Capital Shoncior, were made to be invisible. The old lifestyle was abandoned, the old history forgotten. The isolationists declared themselves sovereign over the Empire of Peace, and were what we knew as the Old Imperium. It wasn't until one thousand years later that Galiais discovered the truth about the Province that had existed before the Empire of Peace. This was one of the many factors that worked into his issuing his famous manifesto.

Shortly after Shoncior was discovered, the seven outer stars systems within the quantum zone re-appeared. Exploratory vessels from Jintati quickly traveled to most of the 39 outlying planets (all of which are far smaller than the giant worlds in the Aa system). On many of these planets, the sealed cities of the Aa Province were discovered, and many enchanted artifacts were found. In fact, entire fleets of enchanted starships were discovered lying unused in long abandoned hangars. On some worlds, the descendants of the loyalists still lived (for the record, they had grayish-skin, and aren't particularly remarkable at anything). Some retained knowledge of the Aa Province, others had long forgotten. In all cases, the people were eager to join in the economic prosperity and strength of the now interstellar Reid Empire.

Political matters continued to be turbulent, particularly with three governing officials: Primary Minister of Relations Javert Bueran, Primary Minister of Security Erran Caerul, and Secondary Minister of The Past Altek Kooras, Secondary Minister of Security The Man Wearing Black, and Central Minister Baerus Temra.

Caerul was not the most trusted of officials. While he had been a high ranking member of the totalitarian regimented ruling class The Government, before the Rebellion Of Xander Reid, Caerul had been quick to join the rebellion, and was given a position in Xander Reid's initial government, and then in the Reid Empire which was to follow. Caerul was the leader of a small, close-knit group of ex-The Government men in the Circle Of Ministries. Also, in order to debunk the group True Control (who sought to restore Jintati to the rule of The Government), he had been forced to speak against the use of Xander Reid's name. True Control had been claiming to be a Xander Reid loyal group, and telling the good citizens of the Reid Empire that their government was dishonoring the memory of the hero of the dual worlds. Caerul was additionally mistrusted due to the extremely secretive nature of his duty as keeping law in the dual worlds. Furthermore, to prevent his dismissal, Caerul had appointed as his second (and natural successor) The Man Wearing Black, a totally mysterious, perceived as highly sinister, individual with no past and no identity known to the public. It was rumored that The Man Wearing Black had been a notorious criminal. Altek Kooras, often sitting in on the Circle Of Ministries in place of Primary Minister of The Past Tellian Duross (who was always off pursuing his research of the Proclamation Of Destiny), was the youngest man present, and frequently spoke against Caerul.

With the (minimal) threat of True Control looming in the minds of the public, it was realized, with a shock, that the government of the Reid Empire was frighteningly similar to the bureaucracy of The Government. It was decided that the government should be altered, and an Emperor chosen to govern over all as a monarch (similar to the glorious days when Xander Reid ruled supreme). The choice of emperor was eventually narrowed down to the two biggest political figures in the Circle of Ministries, Caerul and Bueran.

Javert Bueran was quick to take the lead in public opinion. Seen as very wise and level-headed, Bueran was famous for leading the dual worlds into the "new era of galactic awareness", establishing and expanding relationships with neighboring peoples, and the Omnet. Caerul's penchant for throwing insults, and his shady character, set him behind. The gap further widened when Altek Kooras claimed that Caerul was actually part of True Control. Javert Bueran would have been named the emperor, had Destiny not shaped history yet again. A violent group of "wandering space barbarians"…the Taeurr, desperate to regain some of their long lost glory, happened on the young interplanetary civilization, and quickly began attacking the Reid Empire. Previously having worked with the Ministry Of War (the Ministries of War and Security worked together to clear the beat-filled wilderness of Perok to the ever expanding industrialization of Jintati), Caerul used his position as one of two contenders for emperor, and his quick-thinking and inspiring leadership ability to take control of military efforts. Although the Reid Empire had no experience in space warfare whatsoever, they did out-gun and out-man the Taeurr by far. Under Caerul, the Reid Imperial Fleets quickly learned the tactics of their much more experienced opponents, and pressed the advantage of much larger fleets (produced by the giant industrial machine that is the world of Jintati, or found abandoned by the Aa Province) to come to a quick victory.

Caerul was a war hero, and the people of the Reid Empire were quick to latch on to their new hero in a world of so many changes coming so fast. Erran Caerul was crowned Emperor in 993. His first action was to establish a Circle of Deputies in each of the seven solar systems, smaller version of the Circle of Ministries to take care of the affairs of just the local system. Made up of twelve Deputies, who answer to their respective Primary Ministers, and lead by a Governor, the analog of the Emperor. Colonies were established on several worlds in the outlying systems of the Reid Empire. Not only do these new worlds provide new resources (without the threat of the vast hordes of magical beasts on Perok), but they provide room for citizens who had lived on the greatly over-populated Jintati. With Caerul as the high governor, Central Minister Temra, formerly the moderator and peacemaker of the Circle Of Ministries, was finally able to retire. He is in ailing health, and is not expected to live long.Javert Bueran remains the Primary Minister Of Relations, and continues to establish relationships between the Reid Empire and the rest of the galaxy. Altek Kooras was named Governor of the most remote, unimportant, un-colonized system in the Reid Empire.

The Man In Black disappeared as mysteriously as he had appeared. No one regretted his not being appointed Primary Minister of Security. In his stead, First Tertiary Minister of Security Char Drago, the man in charge of The Black Guard, the shock troops of the Ministry of Security, was placed in the position of Primary Minister. The people of Shoncior and the outlying systems have joined the Perokians
in the integration process, and are all happy citizens of the Reid Empire.

The last great leap towards industrializing Perok (about 2% of the planet's surface, at the North pole, was covered with the sprawling megalopolis of Jintati), before Perok was abandoned for the more easily cultivated new planets in outlying systems, made a discovery. In the previously unexplored Perokian wastelands was discovered the central base of True Control. Quickly destroyed, True Control was greatly weakened, and scattered. However, the remaining members subverted, captured and stole several ships from the Imperial Fleets, and are rumored to be re-establishing their base and building their own ships somewhere on one of the uncolonized new planets. Emperor Caerul promises to totally eliminate True Control
in the next fifteen years.

The Past Three Years

The recent past has seen several events of note. First, in response to the potential threat posed by outside systems, Emperor Caerul has passed legislation formalizing and regulating all travel through Imperial Space. Second, the overcrowding of Jintati has been eased by exodus to the outer planets. Third, a disturbing trend has begun at home. Some citizens, Perokians at first, disgruntled with the slightly heavy hand of Imperial rule, have begun to abandon the Empire and disappear into the wastelands of Perok. Emperor Caerul has responded by ordering a dramatic increase in the exploration of Perok and the outer planets, greatly shortening the Schedules of Expansion. As for the future, only time will tell.


The Reid Empire is lead by Emperor Erran Caerul. Under the Emperor is the Circle Of Ministries, composed of Ten Primary Ministers. Each Primary Minister appoints a Secondary Minister and several Tertiary Ministers, and a bureaucracy exists beneath these layers. Additionally, each outer star system is ruled by a Governor, and a mimic Circle Of Deputies, which functions similarly to the Circle of Ministries, only dealing with local affairs.

The ten ministries are as follows: The Body (physical health), The Soul (emotional health), The Past (history), The Future (learning), Relations (external diplomacy), War, Security (internal order), Entertainment, Technology and Magic.

The government, although popular with most of the people, is not as popular as that of Xander Reid himself. The Imperial Government faces direct opposition from the small guerilla group True Control, and from a few reluctant denizens of the outer planets. Most law is that created by agencies, however there are a few criminal laws. Most citizens are very law-abiding, but those few who are not are dealt with somewhat harshly.

Foreign Policy:

The government of the Reid Empire is very eager to establish positive relations with the rest of the Galaxy (in fact, that was the primary reason behind its founding). Diplomatic treaties and trade agreements are being discussed with several nearby systems, and new ventures are welcomed. Recent legislation, however, has restricted free travel in Reid Imperial Space, so visitors and diplomats should be sure to pass through proper government channels (those totally new to the Empire are directed as to the proper procedure upon contact).

Domestic Policy:

The government is relatively easy-going in regards to non-criminal law, and criminals are very rare on the Triple Worlds (morale is still high in most places). The economic model leans towards democratic socialism, although individual property and money exist, a citizen is required to work for the government (although he can choose his career). Freedom of speech hasn't been thoroughly tested. The Black Guard, the "extreme" police force, is quite fearsome, although they handle relatively few matters.


A key fact to consider when observing the society of the Reid Empire is that it is truly an Empire, and sprung from the world of Jintati. While most peoples indigenous to the colonized worlds were eager to jump on the interstellar bandwagon of superior technology and glory, the society of the Empire is one imposed by the Jintatians, and to a lesser extent the people of Perok and Shoncior (whose ancestors came in the not so distant past from Jintati). It should be noted that there is variation from the society and culture as expressed here, but this is suppressed by the Empire.


The people of Jintati have spoken one unified language for the past eight hundred years, and while there was some variation in the Shonciorians and Perokians, they too now speak Jintatian, the official language of the Empire. The natives of the outer planets speak many different languages, although Jintatian is imposed on them as the Imperial Tongue.


The people of the Triple Worlds have a sense of morality, but little organized religion. There are some organized religions in the outer planets, but they are small and not very powerful.


While there is no official caste system, a strong majority of the government and the powerful is made up of Jintatians (approx. 40% of the Imperial Population). Jintatian society, and government, has had a history of male dominance that has to this day never faced serious social opposition. The people of Perok and Shoncior (each approx. 1% of the Imperial Population), other natives of the Triple Worlds make up the small remainder of the government. The majority of Imperial Citizens are the natives of the colonized worlds, who, to be fair, have benefited greatly from the advanced technologies and magics of the Empire, and have, mostly, joined the Empire willingly.


Most jobs are held by adult males, but some jobs are held by females (there are no jobs which are associated with a specific gender). There is a currency (the Reidmark), but labor is handled mostly in a socialist manner.


The military is managed by the Ministry of War. Approximately 3% of the population is in the military. Much of the military are the Imperial Space Fleets, employing factory and assembly line produced Jintatian spacecraft, ancient Aa Province enchanted ships, and newer mystical and combined tech/mystic designs.

Sports and Leisure:

The Ministries of The Body, The Soul, and Entertainment labor constantly to keep the people happy and healthy. Art and Leisure are considered absolutely vital for morale, a key element of a functioning society. Approximately 25% of the art is old folk works, 25% is the writings, poems, dramas, and music of Xander Reid, and most of the rest is modern emulation of Reid. Several sports are played by the people, and much popularity has come to the annual Mesh Combat Tourney.

Major Population Centers:


While, as noted, Jintati is mostly one megalopolis, there are several areas of much fame.

The Capitol District of Zarros:
Before the construction of the Orbiting Imperial Palace, all major government work was done here. The majority of agency headquarters and such still reside planetside.
The former seat of the Baereen Council, this is the center of magic in the Reid Empire.
Vanguard Citadel:
Located at the point where Jintati and Perok come the closest (approximately 15 meters), this is a guard post that once prevented rogue beasts from crossing over. As 3% of Perok is now part of the Jintatian Megalopolis, it is now merely a point of transportation.

Other points of note include the Xander Reid Memorial Launch Facility and the Three City-Cubes.


There are few places of note on Perok, outside of the Megalopolis. There are, however, some.

The Broken City-Cube:
Located on the icy South Pole of Perok, this is where Varek Reid breathed his last breath, after successfully completing his quest. After the hasty construction of the monument The Tragedy Of Varek Reid, this site hasn't been visited.
Former True Control Headquarters:
Now destroyed, for several years this is where True Control based their operations.


There is only one major population center on Shoncior, the huge Shoncior City, the site which the Baereen Council transported to. Also of note is Aaterranoka, the ruins of the former capitol of the Aa Province.

Chronic Problems:

Several problems face the Reid Empire.
  • Unexplored Territory may be home to True Control or other unknown threats.
  • True Control, while considered not a real threat, has still not been neutralized.
  • The Empire must still absorb the natives of the outer planets into its culture.
  • A constant threat is the worry of becoming that which the Jintatians hate most, a strictly regimented clockwork society like the one before the Rebellion Of Xander Reid.
  • Morale is at an all time low since the rebellion, citizens are defecting into the wilderness.

Submission Information:

Submitter's Name: Matthew Vernon Xavier Willemain
Submitter's Email:
Sifter Name: Frank Torkel
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