The Pluzhiak Imperium

AKA The Imperium


The Pluzhiak Imperium is the oldest and largest of the Major Empires. Officially entitled the Pluzhiak Imperium in 1033AD, the origins of the Vox Ryal (the Munificent Imperator's family) have been documented back to a time shortly after the fall of the Lost Imperium. The Munificent Imperator himself claims direct decendency from the Imperial Kendis-dai and his consort Shauna-Kir. The Imperium has been ruled for the last 435 years by His Glory, Munificent Imperator Rapuzatim Pluzhiak.

Immigration, Naturalization & Tourism: Tourism to Pluzhiak worlds is not actively encouraged. Visitors to Pluzhiak dominated space must secure Traversai status. This status is granted by special dispensation and applications must be submitted to the Traversai Klee (visitor's branch) of the Inostani Epta (foreign ministry) of the Apparat Obcheki (First Citizen's bureaucracy). First-time applicants should expect delays of up to two years and significant application fees. Traversai status is indicated by a special Baton and Medallion which must be carried at all times. Those unable to show Traversai status are considered slaves-at-large and are subject to The Slave Recovery Enforcement Edict.

Law Level: Pluzhiak dominated worlds are subject to a bewildering array of Edicts, Manifests and Declarations. Extensive dealings with the local branch of the colossal Apparat Obcheki is necessary for almost any activity. Familiarity with the procedures is helpful, but close contacts within the bureaucracy particularly facilitates matters. In all things, personal contacts, acquaintances and allies are of manifest importance. Contacts are gained through extensive networking and gift-giving.


CoLC Index


Q-dex / Technology / Magic
Size / Population / Climate & Geography / Flora & Fauna
History / Government / Foreign Policy / Domestic Policy
Society / Languages / Religions / Castes / Economy
Military / Sports & Leisure / Major Population Centers / Chronic Problems
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With tens of thousands of star systems in the Pluzhiak dominion, thousands of quantum zones are represented. The most important are the Pluzhchek and Bentiaki mega-zones:

Pluzhchek mega-zone: T468.7232/781.384 M643.4753/325.11
The area is a Matter/Energy zone with a just below average Handling Ratio, just above average Advancement Ratio and a high Quantity Measure on the Tech side. Tech storms are violent, very rare, very short, and very small. Outsiders are not generally welcome, the political climate is nearly frozen it is so stable, and the Pluzhiaks are full members of Omnet but, as with most Major Empires, somewhat uncooperative.
The area is also a Programmed Essence Linear zone with just above average Handling Ratio, just below average Advancement Ratio and a low Quantity Measure on the Mystic side. Mystic storms are low average in severity, relatively frequent, average duration and small. The Life-forms Guide indicates that all sentients natural to the zone are human, and only human.

Bentiaki mega-zone: T653.4765/743.384 M722.8656/484.11
The area is a Matter/Energy zone with a just above average Handling Ratio, average Advancement Ratio and a low Quantity Measure on the Tech side. Tech storms are slightly below average in severity, relatively frequent, slightly above average in length and average in size. The Relations Measure is the same as the Pluzhchek mega-zone.
The area is also an Essence Bipolar zone with relatively high Handling Ratio, and very low Advancement and Quantity capabilities. Mystic storms are severe, somewhat frequent, average duration and above average in size. The Life-forms Guide is the same as the Pluzhchek mega-zone.


The Pluzhiak Imperium has a general technological level just above galactic norm. The proper lifestyle for any citizen of the Imperium is governed by class and rank. Thus, technology is employed merely to facilitate achievement of the proper life and is not a means or end in itself. Acceptance of technological innovation is slow as it must be harmonized into nearly inviolate living patterns that have been honed over centuries.

One area of particular expertise is genetic engineering. For centuries, the Imperium has sought to perfect the human form. In this endeavor, they have been largely successful. Disease and physical imperfection are unknown in the upper classes; few serious health problems exist even in the Plutarkai. This genetic manipulation allows each citizen to live at least 100 years.

Cloning is commonplace in the Imperium and status within the Apparat is usually measured by how many clones are subordinate to any given bureaucrat. The Pluzhiak Imperial Mandate makes particular use of clones. The major current problem is the degradation of clone physical and mental attributes. The very best technology and research has produced a clone series which will remain substantially unchanged through four generations (each generation lives approximately 100 years). After this point, the clone's facilities degrade quickly. Imperium scientists are working closely with the Union of Stars scientists to improve clone series shelf-lives.

The second major advancement in Pluzhiak science is sentience transference. This process crosses predominant technological processes with small, exquisitely timed mystic interference to allow a sentient's mind to be moved from a aged body to a newly developed clone in the prime of life. In this way, Vox Ryal live on average 500 years and Obcheki are granted approximately 200 years of living. Imperium scientists and mystics are seeking the knowledge to allow sentience transference to a non-genetically identical clone. This will grant essential immortality to those with access to these processes. This research is being conducted with direct oversight by the Gorod Tana (secret police), and bears the strictest security measures.


The Pluzhiak Imperium has a general mystical level just below the galactic norm. The proper lifestyle for any citizen of the Imperium is governed by class and rank. Thus, mystics are employed merely to facilitate the achievement of the proper life and is not a means or end in itself. Acceptance of mystical innovation is slow as it must be harmonized into nearly inviolate living patterns that have been honed over centuries.

The average citizen uses mystics mostly to enhance and beautify day-to-day living. Vibrant colors, stimulating floral arrangements and spectacular gardens give any citizen's life meaning, and mystics is used widely to achieve these goals. As in all things Pluzhiak, however, subtlety is prized. Flamboyant displays of mystic power or skill are scorned and will result in investigation by the Gorod Tana.


The Imperium's dominion extends over more than 36,000 inhabited stellar systems. The Imperium's sway covers a further 45,000 plus systems. While the Imperium's aggressive expansion phase is but a distant memory, it still remains the largest single civilization in existence.


The Imperator's Census of 2000 (the figures of the Census of 2100 are still being tabulated) just over 32.6 trillion Vox Ryal, 97.9 trillion Obcheki and 1958.8 trillion Plutarkai. Information concerning the Nichesti and Traversai is not recorded.

Climate and Geography:

As with quantum zones, the worlds of the Pluzhiak Imperium display nearly all known climates and geography.

Ryal Myr, the Vox Ryal homeworld, is completely sealed by a defensive force shield. The climate is precisely controlled to maximize the Ryal efforts in maintaining Ryal Myr as the garden world of the galaxy. The landscaping on Ryal Myr is described with awe by the few outside the Pluzhiak royal family who are permitted to view it.

Apparat Myr, the administrative center, is completely covered by construction. Each square yard of the planet is devoted to housing the mammoth central administrative complex of the Pluzhiak Apparat. Each Epta constants refurbishes and rebuilds its headquarters city in an attempt to outdo all the other Epta. The most skilled and proper architects of the famous Pluzhiak Grand Academy live and work here.

Flora and Fauna:

The worlds and territories governed by the Pluzhiak Imperium nourish a bewildering array of flora and fauna.


Ryal histories claim an unbroken line of ancestry to the time and person of Kendis-dai. These documents, however, are sealed by Ryal Edict. The materials made available to outside historians reveal a strong and united empire covering several stellar systems, and centered in the Pluzhchek solar system, as far back as 1136BC. Oddly, these records do not mention the Shattering of the Suns era, or of its effect on the pre-Pluzhchek civilization. While the documents are vague on the subject, it seems that only one quantum zone was settled. It could hardly be expected that any more than one zone would be needed, given that the Pluzhchek solar system is at the spinward end of the middle of the Pluzhchek mega-zone.

In 1001BC, the records describe the discovery of the Pluzhchek/Bentiaki quantum front. This monumental event appears to have caused little upheaval in Pluzhchek society. Even then, citizens were generally unconcerned about the galaxy as a whole.

In 1034BC, a Pluzhchek scientific fleet encountered a strange vessel emerging from the front. The vessel's propulsion system was inert, and life-support was crippled. Nonetheless, the crew as salvaged and the vessel taken aboard a massive lab carrier. To all parties' surprise, the aliens appearance was identical to the Pluzhcheks and even their manners and language was comparable. Within two years full translations and exchange of knowledge occurred. The Pluzhcheks learned that their visitors were Bentiaki, members of an advanced race living in a different, but not vastly incompatible, reality on the other side of the quantum front. Soon, the two groups had managed to penetrate the front on a regular basis and inter-empire relations commenced.

Shortly thereafter, the Pluzhchek and Bentiaki peoples embarked on a series of expansions broken up by long periods of consolidation. Later compiled texts provide exhaustive and fascinating detail about a series of royal dynasties that rose and fell within each empire. These dynasties appear to have been relatively stable; each in turn survived for between 167 and 321 years. The evolution of the pre-Pluzhiak society suggests an on-going internal struggle between those who would shun the universe outside the domain of the empire, and those who sought expansion to bring civilization to worlds and sentients as yet untouched by the empire. In general, the ruling families of the Pluzhchek and Bentiaki empires continually sought expansion to prove their superiority over the other. This expansive tendency was always checked by the generally stagnant nature of the two bureaucracies. The histories reveal a steady pattern of rapid expansion into neighboring stellar systems followed by a lengthy period of consolidation.

The most remarkable aspect of the ancient histories is the unchanging nature of both societies and the remarkable parallels between the two. The philosophies, desires and lifestyles of the various castes appear to have blurred together and then settled into patterns during the early centuries of this time. These patterns, indeed the very language spoken by the different castes, began to unite them more along caste lines than nationalistic lines. In all things, a slow plodding style rife with bureaucratic machinations dominated. With this background in mind, it is much easier to understand the extremely deliberative manner of the Pluzhiak citizen. For them, as little will change in the next 100 years as has changed in the last 100 years.

By 1025AD, the Pluzhchek civilization governed over 2500 worlds in the Pluzhchek mega-zone and about a dozen others in relatively compatible quantum zones. The Bentiaki empire ruled slightly less worlds, about 1800, in the Bentiaki mega-zone, and a few others in easily accessed quantum zones. The greater size of the Pluzhchek was the direct result of the ruling Grizovonai dynasty at the time. The Grizovonai were highly militaristic and had nearly doubled the size of the empire in 250 years. This nearly unprecedented growth threatened the very existence of the society as it struggled to absorb, indoctrinate or annihilate countless new discoveries and peoples. The Grizovonai ruthlessly "promoted" racial purity within the newly conquered territories. Further, quantum zone knowledge was far from complete and large sections of space within the boundaries of the larger empire could not be pacified because the proper technology and mystics were unknown. Finally, news leaked out that the Grizovonai were mustering a mighty fleet to storm Bentiaki space and impose a final uniting of the empires. Just as the Grizovonai began to launch a military strike against the Bentiaki and domestic crackdown on any dissention, the influential Apparat-based Shukonak family moved to take control. Lead by the legendary Mokali Shukonak, a bold strike was coordinated that eliminated a full half of the Grizovonai royal family in the course of a year. The Pluzhiak family assumed control of the strategic bureaucratic headquarters and won over wavering Apparati with promises of new respect and resources stripped from the now-despised Grizovonai military machine.

In the meantime, the Grizovonai forces were decimated by a Bentiaki military who had been feed intelligence by the Shukonaks. The Grizovonai did not go quietly, however. The Bentiaki suffered significant losses. Although documentation is sparse, it appears that the Shukonak coup, and the Grizovonai invasion nearly crippled both empires. Over the next five years, each empire's dominion shrunk by nearly one quarter.

As the Shukonak and Bentiaki bureaucracies struggled to stabilize the situation, a joint announcement rallied both peoples. Mokali Shukonak would marry Karina Rodzh, the Bentiaki queen. A new united empire would be born. It would be formally known as the Pluzhiak Imperium.

With this announcement, the territories still overlorded by the new regime experience a reign of terror. Any opposed to the new Pluzhiak power structure, or even remotely allied with the Grizovonai were exterminated. Countless stories are told of heroic Apparat who passed on their knowledge of process and procedures to their replacements before they were allowed to commit ritual suicide to atone for the taint of working for the Grizovonai, or attempting to preserve a separate nationalistic entity. One policy left untouched by the Pluzhiak rulers was the goal of absolute racial purity.

Within eight years, the transition of power was complete. Imperator Mokali Pluzhiak staged an elaborate ceremony during which he demolished the Grizovonai palace and administrative structure on Ryal Myr in the Pluzhchek mega-zone, then flew to Apparat Myr (the renamed Bentiaki homeworld) to christen a newly built and sealed colony there. In 1033AD, the Pluzhiak Imperium was established.

It was at this time that Pluzhiak scientists perfected the mind transference techniques. This granted the new ruling family and their allies in the Apparat extended life and superhuman experience. During the next 250 years, the Pluzhiak Ryal and authorized members of the Apparat extended the bureaucracy's jurisdiction and influence over the few remaining sectors and aspects of society not already dominated. A citizen's life, down to the daily details and rituals, was exhaustively proscribed and regulated. Mokali issued his most enduring legacy: The Path of Life, a seven volume treatise describing in specific but adaptable terms the proper societal structure and a citizen's proper life within it.

Mokali and Karina's activity was not constrained to the domestic front. After internal consolidation was mostly settled, the Pluzhiak Imperium once again began spreading its civilizing influence among its neighbors. The expansion was slow and deliberate, however, and became the hallmark of the Imperium. Years of exploration and scouting, followed by years of trade and finance, and finally absorption into the Pluzhiak civilization generally by "acclaim of the new citizens."

Mokali's last clone degenerated in 1284AD. He spent the last 80 years of his life planning for the transition of power after his death. As a result, the succession procedures were embedded in the legal structure of the Imperium. Mokali's eldest child, Kateri acted as First Confidant for sixty years before she assumed power in a remarkably smooth transition of power. Imperator Kateri did little to disrupt the powerful and ponderous state that was her father's bequest. She and her successor, Rapuzatim (ascension 1694AD), continued the pattern of slow expansion and overwhelming internal control until the rebirth of Oracles of Nine in 1772AD. At this time both the Pluzhchek and Bentiaki mega-zones were entirely conquered and more than 100 quantum zones around or within had been penetrated.

As with the other Major Empires, the Omnet's open policies of disseminating quantum zone information resulted in massive expansion by all established empires, large and small. The Pluzhiak Imperium was one of the main beneficiaries. The newly installed and vigorous Imperator Rapuzatim moved quickly to capitalize on the Omnet's well-meaning, but initially misguided largesse. The Pluzhiak Imperial Mandate swept forth and doubled the size of the Imperium in the next 130 years. At this point, Rapuzatim realized he stood to repeat the events that caused the fall of the Grizovonai dynasty. Thus, he seized the Omnet's guilt-laced offer of membership in the new Galactic Union and called a halt to Pluzhiak expansion. Grateful for Pluzhiak support for the new Union, the Omnet turned a blind eye to the massive "social adjustment" imposed on the newly conquered Pluzhiak territories. Within a hundred years, the newly conquered worlds were indistinguishable socially and politically from those worlds which had been dominated by the Pluzhiak for centuries. To further appease the Omnet and the other Major Empires, Rapuzatim pledged a halt to Pluzhiak expansion "forever."

"Forever" lasted a mere 62 years. At that time, the Pluzhiak Imperium recommenced the pattern of expansion developed by Mokali by heeding the Ish'kaanaatra people's call for relief from their oppressive tyrant. Rapuzatim's assimilation of neighboring empires is, if possible, even more slow and deliberate than Mokali's.

Today, the Pluzhiak Imperium has mostly turned inward. Its great size and power render it, for most citizens, a universe unto itself. The government and citizenry have little concern for the affairs of the greater galaxy. Pluzhiak civilization at present is far more concerned with the impending transference of power from the aged, degrading final Rapuzatim clone. In a sharp break from previous Imperators, Rapuzatim's appointed heir, Nikala, is but a two-year old child. The child's tutor and regent, Aleksara, has served as First Confidant for 110 years. Nonetheless, Aleksara's ability to guide the Imperium until Nikala passes the century mark and assumes power is a great unknown.


Domestic Policy:

In theory, the Imperator wields absolute power and is the final arbiter of all conflicts. In practice, governance is conducted by the millions of bureaucrats in the colossal Obcheki Apparat. The Apparat has jurisdiction over all aspects of all citizens lives. The rights a citizen holds are directly tied to his or her place in the Apparat, or in society.

The Apparat is centered in Apparat Myr, but there are as many layers to that structure as their are worlds within the Imperium. Every Pluzhiak planet bears a large and intrusive Apparat contingency. The Apparat controls the massive Pluzhiak ground and space forces.

Where present, Vox Ryal members can and do exert tremendous influence on the Apparat, but even they are only able to move it slightly in the direction they choose. Obcheki have near absolute power over their own subordinates, and are substantially beholden to their superiors. Plutarkai simply follow the directions of the Apparat, but are free to petition for action. The result, as with all things Pluzhiak, depends on personal contacts and proper behavior. Nichesti and Traversai have no rights.

Behind all aspects of the government lurks the Gorod Tana. This large internal police force reports directly to the Imperator. The Gorod Tana operates both overtly and covertly. Citizens watch their steps very carefully when a uniformed Gorod Tana agent is about. Citizens stray very little even when no such official is near because they can never be sure their neighbors are not Gorod Tana informants.

Foreign Policy:

To the extent that the Pluzhiak Imperium can be said to have a foreign policy, it is one of condescending neglect. The universe within the Pluzhiak zone of control is so huge that little is needed from the outside. The mindset of the Pluzhiak is so internally motivated that little is wanted from the outside. The average citizen and Apparat is wholly unaware and unconcerned by outside events.

Some within the Apparat and Vox Ryal do take an interest in the Greater Galaxy. They tend to be the most powerful and most secure in their position. This security allows them to cast an eye to the outside galaxy without costing them in status. As a matter of interest and status, these sentients are entrusted with foreign relations matters for the whole of the Imperium. It should be noted that Imperator Rapuzatim counts himself among these outwardly looking officials. These sentients are the best and brightest of the Pluzhiak and will rarely be outmaneuvered by foreign empires. These officials also drive the slow, subtle and unstoppable movement of Pluzhiak "civilization" over nearby empires.

The Pluzhiak Imperium, of course, cannot avoid some kind of relationship with the other powers in the galaxy. They are as follows:
Omnet: The Pluzhiak officially support and condone the Omnet. IGNM penetration is high and local coverage is widely followed. For a number of reasons, the IGNM has not attempted to become a full investigative reporting service in the Pluzhiak territories. The IGNM has agreed to allow Apparat oversight of reporting within the Imperium and seems to have established a smooth working relationship with the sensors. IGNM reporting of outside events is almost entirely ignored by the masses. IGNM coverage of internal Pluzhiak events which is broadcast outside of the Imperium is not censored. For the most part, the Pluzhiak care little what the outside "barbarians" think. In general, the IGNM paints an accurate picture of life inside the Imperium.
Ruqua Dynasties: The Pluzhiak have as much respect for the Ruqua as they have for any outsiders. The Ruqua focus on honor in living and proper behavior strikes sympathetic cords in the Pluzhiak elite. Obviously, the Ruqua are slightly misguided in that they do not subscribe to the Path of Life, but they may be invited to ceremonies and celebrations without concern over embarrassment. Ruqua goods, with their intricate and fine workmanship, are treasured by Vox and Obcheki.
FSS: The Pluzhiak have little regard for the FSS and its citizens. They are considered uncouth, loud, brash and entirely lacking in manners. The aggressive mentality of FSS citizens in business and pleasure is considered ill-mannered.
Union of Stars: As the Union is composed of a number of different civilizations, the Pluzhiak regard of these citizens depends on how close their particular culture is to the Pluzhiak Path of Life. As a whole, the Pluzhiak respect the Union's scientific prowess and military capabilities. Close scientific ties exist between the two empires as the Imperium devotes a great deal of resources to perfecting the cloning and mind transference techniques. The Gorod Tana ensures that Pluzhiak scientists exposed to the Union's free-wheeling and individualistic style of scientific research do not bring any of those questionable attitudes back to the Imperium.
Fartrade: As any good salesperson, Fartrade representatives adopt much of the Pluzhiak way. As a result, Fartrade citizens are welcome to share in the Pluzhiak's advanced culture. No Fartrade representative can be fully trusted, however, for their concentration on financial matters is unseemly. The Fartrade Consortium has deep and strong ties with those Obcheki outcasts who dirty themselves with business matters.
K'tan Empire: For some reason, the K'tan have never targeted a Pluzhiak holding and thus relations between the two empires are cordial. Indeed, the Imperium has consistently supported the K'tan in the Galactic Union and argued against sanctions or warfare against the K'tan. The Pluzhiak are not fond of the rigid K'tan fanaticism, but view them as immature, not evil. The K'tan understand honor and a code of conduct. That is more than can be said for the FSS or Fartrade. The Pluzhiak are little concerned by the K'tan's actions against other empires, viewing the conflicts as uncultured wars between venal little barbarian nations.
Lights of Ja'lel: Here is another civilization that understands honor and a code of conduct. The Lights of Ja'lel focus on excellence in all things is also respected by the Pluzhiak citizens. The strict equality of the Ja'lel creed, however, baffles the Pluzhiak. To make sure no one attempts of overcome that confusion, the Gorod Tana spends significant resources to carefully control any public dissemination of the corrupt and incorrect Ja'lel philosophy.
Other Empires: Lost children awaiting the civilizing influence of the Pluzhiak culture. They must be treated with a patient and firm hand, but never dealt with harshly. There is no fault in ignorance and higher culture cannot be imposed by force.


Pluzhiak society is divided into a strict caste structure.

Vox Ryal: The members of the royal family are lords and masters of all they survey. Few Pluzhiak worlds experience the Vox as they are (relatively) few in number and they congregate in central worlds of importance. Above all others in society, the Vox Ryal member can measure his or her worth only in proximity to other Vox Ryal. Further, only Vox Ryal contacts matter for the most part. Where Vox gather two parallel societies exists, the Vox overstructure and the regular Obcheki/Plutarkai base.

Vox are granted exclusive access to the most advanced clone and mind transference techniques. Thus, the average lifespan for a Vox is roughly 400 years.

Obcheki: These are the full citizens of the Pluzhiak Imperium, and are sometimes referred to as First Citizens. Those in the Obcheki caste enjoy full rights as citizens, and more importantly are eligible for service in the Apparat. Most Obcheki have some position in the Apparat and measure their importance through that position. Most Obcheki families specialize in one Epta (ministry), or even Klee (department). The proudest are those who command and serve in the Pluzhiak Imperial Mandate.

All Obcheki families own massive tracts of land on various dominated or swayed planets and derive substantial income from food and natural goods production on those farms. Indeed, the only honored profession, other than Apparat, that an Obcheki can follow is agriculture, animal husbandry and the like.

A few Obcheki ignore society's views and dirty themselves with currency, trade and manufacturing. These Obcheki are officially shunned by proper citizens but amass so much wealth providing demanded goods and services that they rival Vox in power. The moneyed Obcheki must walk softly and carefully, however, as any scandal would most likely go badly for them in court due to their general disfavor. Obcheki are granted access to clone and mind transference techniques. Thus, the average lifespan of an Obcheki is nearly 200 years.

The trillions of Plutarkai are the laborers, farmers, servants and footsoldiers. Plutarkai are generally poorly educated. Otherwise, the Plutarkai's life is good. There is plenty to eat, work is time-consuming but not overly taxing, a few leisure hours a day may be spent as desired, and living conditions are solid if not spectacular. Further, all proper citizens treasure the efforts of the Plutarkai for without them, the Imperium would fall. On the other hand, transgression by Plutarkai general result in death. Few Apparat courts will grant Plutarkai any leeway, and the Gorod Tana are everywhere. Given the advanced medicine and near genetic perfection of all Pluzhiak humans, Plutarkai can count on at least 100 years of life.

Nichestri: The "nonentities" are entirely outside Pluzhiak society. These are slaves, non-humans, and unlicensed foreigners are present in very few places, and are never displayed or viewed by proper citizens.

Traversai: Licensed visitors to Pluzhiak space are treated courteously by Plutarkai, condescendingly by Obcheki and ignored by Vox.


As with all things Pluzhiak, the economy is massive almost beyond comprehension. As a universe almost unto itself, the Pluzhiak economy produces all manner of goods. The predominant by far of all goods, however, is food. Every arable planet, and many non-arable planets, are largely devoted to the production of food. Given the Pluzhiak bias, only human food is produced.

Most of the food and other goods created by the Pluzhiak economy is consumed in the Pluzhiak economy. Some measure of exporting and importing does occur. As might be guessed, the major export is food. Importing is mostly high quality goods, such as those produced by the master craftsworkers of the Ruqua Dynasties or the Lights of Ja'lel, for Vox or Obcheki who feel the need to add something new to their lives. Most mass produced foreign goods, such as those from the Fartrade Coalition, are deemed unsuitable for the proper lifestyle. The very same, if not inferior, goods are produced by Pluzhiak workers; those are suitable for the proper lifestyle.

The general quality of Pluzhiak goods is poor. Massive inefficiencies are caused by the stifling bureaucracy, the general distaste for money matters, and the overriding motivation toward living a proper lifestyle. The demand, and built in domestic market, however, keeps any established business from going broke. As with all things Pluzhiak, business success is measured in contacts and connections within the Apparat.


A full third of the Apparat is grouped under the broad authority of the Imperial Mandate. For the most part, these soldiers train, parade and maintain their equipment. They are the greatest of the many Imperium inefficiencies. Still, they hold a valued place in the Imperium body politic and work tirelessly to maintain their privileged position. Many of the best and brightest of the Apparat flock to the military because the duties are less onerous that other branches and the prestige second only to the Vox.

Many Vox treat the local branch of the Mandate as a toy and love to bring it out and parade it around. These Vox are given their way unless someone higher in the Vox decides they are endangering Pluzhiak security. The Gorod Tana keep respectful but close watch on these "military leaders." A few Vox treat the Mandate as a career. Those who do so are considered to be working beneath themselves by the other Vox, but are glorified by the other military Apparat.

The rank and file of the Mandate are moderate soldiers. They have little flexibility, little initiative and little stomach for battle. What they do have is numbers. The Mandate itself is many times larger than the entire population of all but a few empires in the Local Galaxy.

The elite Obcheki units of the Mandate are very good. They are formed of identical clones trained in all aspects of their unit's purpose or objectives. Each clone knows his or her place in the unit's organization and is intimately aware of the thought processes of each other member of the unit. Each clone can substitute for the loss of another. The clone units train constantly and their extended lifespans render them some of the most experienced fighters in the galaxy.

The problem with the clone units is the same as all other Mandate units, a lack of battlefield flexibility. Pluzhiak are not trained for innovation, adaptability and initiative. All Mandate units are controlled by Vox or Obcheki officers whose political agendas often take precedence over military sense or victory. As most enemies are either out-waited or overwhelmed by numbers, this is not usually significant. Nonetheless, casualties for Pluzhiak units are always much higher than necessary.

The prevailing military doctrine once units are committed varies between retreat/contain and wave assault. The size and breadth of the Imperium allows the Mandate to retreat for a long time in the face of a determined enemy. As ground is given, the supply lines of the enemy are extended, and the Mandate is given time to gather its forces. Once the enemy is stretched to as vulnerable a position as possible, the wave attacks start and do not abate until the enemy is annihilated. This strategy is only applied with sizable and very capable enemies. Others are simply overwhelmed with numbers, or ignored until enough intrigue or economic pressure can be brought to bear to undermine them without a fight.

Sports and Leisure:

Leisure activity is, as with all things Pluzhiak, governed by caste. The Vox and Obcheki promote and perform only the most refined and cultured of activities. These include fine arts, music, poetry and calligraphy. The schools and styles are rigid and staid.

The Plutarkai are slightly less restrained in their leisure activity. Dance, games and drinking are all viewed fondly. Decorum is observed and no activity gets out of control, but compared to the lifelessness of the Vox and Obcheki playtime, the Plutarkai are "wildmen."

The Path of Life requires each citizen to maintain excellence in physical and mental domains, but disdains animalistic displays or bodily functions. Thus, Pluzhiak citizens are intensely private in their physical exercise. The near-perfect genetic structure of all Pluzhiak Vox, Obcheki and Plutarkai means that little exercise is necessary to stay in shape. No organized, spectator sports are recognized by the Vox and Obcheki. A highly questionable series of gladiatorial type leagues are supported by Plutarkai. These "undercover" sporting events are ignored by officials, as more than a few Vox and Obcheki like to engage their baser instincts by attending incognito.

The Pluzhiak telepresence industry is large but uninventive. Most hauntings are heavy-handed paeans to Pluzhiak leaders, society or culture, or tedious and subtle morality plays invariably involving conflicts between desire and duty. An active underground traffic in FSS telepresence blockbusters is ruthlessly policed by the Gorod Tana.

Major Population Centers:

Pluzhiak population centers run in the hundreds of thousands. The most populous world is Apparat Myr, and it is the only one that is completely covered by buildings. The next most populated worlds are the 29 provincial capitals. Even so, significant portions of these worlds are agrarian. Indeed, all but a couple thousand Pluzhiak worlds are primarily devoted to agriculture. While these worlds all have significant cities for the local branches of the Apparat, Pluzhiak population is concentrated on the farms. Light industries are present as well but are merely supportive in nature.

Pluzhiak industrial worlds are usually unsuited for agriculture in the first place. The people on these worlds are not highly respected by Pluzhiak society and thus what they do with their worlds is generally ignored. The worlds are used to the fullest extent and then abandoned. The flood of manufactured goods spreads throughout the Imperium, but their origin is not discussed or considered.

Chronic Problems:

In an empire as large and old as the Pluzhiak Imperium, it is difficult to identify chronic problems. The massive inefficiencies, the rigid class structure, whim and caprice of the ruling classes, and the studied indifference to the galaxy at large have existed for so long they have become one with the fabric of Pluzhiak society. What would be considered problems by another empire have become a large part of what defines Pluzhiak life.

Submission Information:

Submitter's Name: M. Alexander Jurkat
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