Kr'dimn Collective


The Kr'dimn are a race of humans who, collectively, have extraordinary abilities. They can alter their hearing and sight from the mid-infrasonic/red to mid-ultrasonic/violet ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. They are exceptionally adept in most forms of magic and psionics, which makes up for their lack of technology; a technological level comparable to highest technological forms on Earth from the period 120 b.c.e. to 567 c.e., even though their intellectual level has exceeded Earth's continuously -- their average IQ being 141. 

After their studies into the newly introduced Flynch-Halpert Q-dex, their most learned scholars have become obsessed with an idea which they abhor: the notion of Entropy; as the Kr'dimn have always been proponents of Order. 


CoLC Index


Q-dex / Technology / Magic
Size & Population / Climate & Geography / Flora & Fauna
History / Government / Foreign Policy / Domestic Policy
Society / Languages / Religions / Castes / Economy
Military / Sports & Leisure / Major Population Centers / Chronic Problems
Submission Information





Until a exploratory vehicle crash landed on their planet, the Kr'dimn had very little technological exposure. This is not to say, however, that the crash sent waves of crippling culture shock through the Collective. Rather, most of the Kr'dimn were excited and curious at the event. After tending and talking to survivors, analyzing technical readouts of the ship and its systems, many Kr'dimn found that they could understand technology. 

Unfortunately, there were not enough tools or raw material to repair the ship. Fortunately, the communications systems were working fine, and other ships landed on the Kr'dimn planet, Pelus, within days. Many Kr'dimn have now left the planet to explore other avenues. 


The Kr'dimn are especially good at magic. Most of the cities within the Collective are literally held together by magic, and thus are fantastic spectacles to behold, especially from technology-driven races. Their aesthetic and powerful minds are able to manipulate many wonderful (and potentially deadly) forms of magic. Psionics are also prevalent in Kr'dimn society, although much of it is regulated by Kr'dimn law, because of the potentially destructive power of the mind. Magic and psionics are integral to Kr'dimn society, as they are both needed to maintain the Collective.

Size Population:

The Kr'dimn Collective is really only prevalent on the main land mass of Pelus, which is called Kr'dimn. On this land mass, over 75,000,000 people comprise the collective, while there are individual groups outside the influence of the Collective. It is estimated that altogether there are only 100,000,000 people on the entire planet. They are not the only sentient life forms, however. 

The star system is comprised of two suns, one burning on either sided of the galaxy, although the first sun, Kqua, is the only one the Kr'dimn ever see. There are two planets before and after Pelus. Between the second two planets is a vast ocean of stars in which the quantum storms take place. After this void come three more planets. The closest of these three is mainly a desert world which houses the Sarnathach, a race of bi-pedal reptiloids possessed of moderate human intelligence, their average IQ being around 110.

They have also mastered magic and psionics, but use of both skills are geared mainly toward elemental, conjuring, and divinitatory ends in order to better affect survival in their harsh desert existence. They are a ruthless and powerful breed, and since the two races have discovered each other, a kind of xenophobia has begun to fester. 

Climate and Geography:

Pelus consists mainly of deciduous forests and mountains, save for the small desert which houses the only prison on Kr'dimn, in which over 25,000 people are now incarcerated. 

Ever since the discovery of Pelus, and the consequent mingling of people and ideas, the prison population has threatened to explode because of the slow, inevitable disintegration of the Collective. 

Spring and fall are moderate seasons, while winters can be harsh indeed, especially when quantum storms erupt. Summer is more of a slow transition from spring to fall than an actual season. This is another reason for the growing and inexplicable animosity between the Kr'dimn and the Sarnathach. All other planets in the star system are uninhabitable save by artificial means. 

Flora and Fauna:

The floral life of Pelus consists mostly of trees: elm, maple, ash, oak, dogwood, redwood, and especially pine. Many millions of different types of flowers grow by both natural and artificial means; as many are necessary both for religious practices and magical components. Fruit is plentiful, although vegetables grow mainly in cultivated gardens because the dense tangle of roots which comprises most of the planet's surface. The animal life of Pelus is vast and varied indeed, especially in impenetrable marsh regions. 

Because of all the natural sustenance, animals have plenty on which to thrive, and the Kr’dimns have mainly left the animals alone, except when fur or meat are needed. There are also scores of magical beasts thriving in the forests of Pelus, many of which are friendly with the Kr'dimn, none of which are ambitious. The sentient magical beasts keep mainly to themselves so long as the Kr'dimn do so as well.

Life on Rokach, the Sarnathach desert world, is quite different. The only sentient race beside the Sarnathach are, of course, the dragons, which add another unwanted struggle to the Sarnathach. The only vegetation known by the Sarnathach are the occasional twisted Joshua trees, stands of prairie grass, tubers, and cacti. The Sarnathach feed on anything they can find.

They have spent eons perfecting hunting and trapping methods which aided in the construction of their civilization, along with their conjuring and divining. Their dead are also fit for the table; indeed, the dead are sent to their rest through the bellies of their brethren. 


The Kr'dimn have collected extensive records of their history. Their years are made up of the 274 days of their diurnal cycle, each of which consists of 27 hours. Written records date back to the founding of the first uprising of the Tchum tribe led by Yaerhun. This uprising led to the assimilation of weaker tribes and to the formation of the Tchumite Dynasty. This dynasty ruled for 400 years until the Ajumite Empire invaded it. 

The Ajumites were led by Unmal, whose great, great grandson was to be named the first High Deepone (psionicist) of the Iom Dynasty. The Iom Dynasty lasted until the Great Leader (name unknown or purposely eliminated from known records) established the beginning of the Kr'dimn Collective in the Kingdom of Regshefos in the south-east quarter of the continent. The Collective slowly gained hold through charismatic rather than military power, which was a trend much liked my many people. The Collective is now the ultimate ruling power on Pelus.

Rokach has very little written history. The Sarnathach have always been primarily concerned with survival rather than civilization, although they have managed to construct and maintain a capitol city and a small library. While the written history of Pelus extends over a period of 4,000 years, the oldest and wisest of the Sarnathach claim their race to be "Eightwyrms" old...which has been interpreted as the life spans of eight dragons of Great Wyrm development...a history of almost 10,000 years. 


The Kr'dimn Collective is a very lawful society, discipline being necessary for both magical and psionic advancement. Although it defies most governmental standards, it may be loosely considered a "utopian socialist" state. It is a society which is constantly sharing thoughts and ideas. The objective of the Collective is to one day reach a point of total intellectual unity by strict adherence to the laws of the Collective and individual moral discipline. It may be termed as "lawful good". 

Because the law is generally adhered to, there are very few law enforcement officials ... but those that do enforce the law are indeed powerful individuals sworn to the ideals of the Collective. The justice system is comprised solely of tribunals, twenty-five per province and the Absolute Tribunal in Regshefos, which is the Supreme Court. This method of government is by no means totalitarian, however, since many crimes do indeed go unpunished by imprisonment. Rather, most crimes are atoned for by individually proscribed efforts. The worst crimes to commit toward the Collective are, in order: murder, rape, insurrection, and corruption, all of which are punishable by death.

The Sarnathach are quite the opposite, however. Whereas the Kr'dimn Collective may be termed as a "utopian socialist" state, the Sarnathach government can be termed as a "social Darwinist" state (chaotic evil). The strong rule the weak in their society, as it is the only effective way they have discovered to survive. 

Foreign Policy:

The Kr'dimn Collective has had no need of foreign policy until their planet was discovered a short while ago. Their sentiments are mixed, but the Absolute Tribunal has declared that all visitors were to be welcomed as family so long as they are there only for learning and not to undermine the Collective Ideal. Any member of the Collective is welcome to leave, so long as they adhere to the same idea: go for knowledge, but do not undermine any governmental or philosophical ideals. They must also sign a contract to return every seven years with their discoveries recorded. 

Despite this open policy, there are a great number of people within the Collective who feel that any interaction between the Collective and the rest of the Greater Galaxy will slowly erode the Collective and contaminate their ideals. Moderate members of this thinking realize that now that the melding has started, there is no way to stop it.

Conservatives, on the other hand, feel that the only way to achieve the Collective Ideal is to stop all outside interaction. Foreign policy also does not allow any Sarnathach onto Pelus' surface, regardless of their intention. The collective horror at having shared their niche in the universe with such wretched creatures has spurned great xenophobia and hatred between the Kr'dimn and the Sarnathach.

The Sarnathach intend to take their hostility out on the universe, since although technology has been almost nil for 10 millennia, they have become obsessed with the fantastic weapons of war they have learned about, and plan on doing the most diabolical act which any potential power player must accomplish: they are biding their time. 

Domestic Policy:

Most disputes are settled through intellectual combat. Because the Kr'dimn are conditioned to be "open-minded", disputes seldom end in bitterness. Rather, ideas are forged from this intellectual combat, since the sole end of the ideas proposed by the people in the Collective is the Collective Ideal. When Tribunals are called, they often end the same way. These disputes are not hasty, however. Because the mind is honed to such a sharp edge in all people, both disputes and Tribunals can take up to 7 months to resolve, and these on a constant daily basis. Most "Outsiders" are utterly baffled by the patience and stifling rigid care practiced in these discussions. 

It is a common threat in some places to be sentenced to "listen to a Kr'dimn argument for a term of ____ weeks." Most laws throughout the Greater Galaxy are the same, and the Kr'dimn are no different. However, punishment is absolute in most cases, such as the threat of death for murder, rape, and insurrection. 


Kr'dimn society is a Collective. Everything is shared which is not of individual importance. In the Kr'dimn language, there is no word for 'secret'. Families are very extensive and usually reside together in family estates. The days are spent practicing whatever trades are taken by a family. The goods from this labor is summarily exchanged for other family needs; money itself was abolished in the third century of the Collective. The nights are spent with wine, food and discourse, a time which lasts far longer than daily labor. Of the 27 hours of each day, seven are spent working, twelve are spent in discourse, and eight or less sleeping. 

The only political groups became active after Pelus' discovery. They are divided between the Liberals, who espouse total openness with the other galactic inhabitants; the Moderates, who feel that Collective society will slowly but inexorably disintegrate because of outside influences, but realize that it will disintegrate much faster than if Pelus is barred to "Outsiders"; the Conservatives, who feel that the Collective must be protected against outside influences in order to finally achieve the Collective Ideal. There are 25,000,000 people in the vast landmass that stretches over three-quarters of the planet who are not part of the Collective. These people are mainly nomads or barbarians. 


There are two languages and many dialects spoken in the Collective. One is Kr'dimn, which, because of its slow and patient rhythm, is extremely difficulty for "Outsiders" to manage. The other is the Common Galactic Tongue. 


The Collective Ideal is one of two aspects of the religion of the Kr'dimn Collective. The Collective Ideal is the evolution to a perfect intellectual unity between all the members of the Collective, and among extreme Liberals, the universe. The second is that the universe itself will one day achieve a perfect state of order. This is why they abhor the concept of Entropy. They conceive Entropy as the universe in a state of utter and purposeless chaos. But what horrifies most "Outsiders" about the Kr'dimn notion of the universe in a state of order is this: the Kr'dimn conception of the ultimate universal order is ... Nothing: a state of absolute existence of pure Essence in which nothing, by the very definition of the word, can ever change. Absolute chaos is far easier for most minds to comprehend than Nothing. 


Society is divided very rigidly between the Greater Collective, which are most of the people in the Collective; the Lesser Collective, which is comprised of most of the greater minds of the Collective, such as the professors at the unparalleled Kr'dimn Universities; and the Absolute Tribunal, which are the three greatest minds in the world, and who occupy the ultimate Seats of Judgment. 


Because money has been out of use for so long, most members of the Collective are having difficulties adapting to anything corporate. Many Conservatives speculate that the introduction of corporate ideals into the Collective will be the most damaging of all to the Collective way of life. This issue is in the process of being resolved.


There is no standing military in the Kr'dimn Collective. War has been abolished for centuries. But the Kr'dimn are not pacifists. Although they would rather solve disputes peaceably, most members of the Collective are willing to use their unique and collectively powerful magical and psionic abilities to defend their home and their way of life. They have been declared as a protectorate of several empires, although no one has made a move against the Collective. The only ones known to be harboring resentment against the Collective are the Sarnathach.

Sports and Leisure:

Sports and leisure are what make up the bread and butter of Kr'dimn society; work itself is a matter of necessary physical effort and survival. Games are rarely physical, and always mentally stimulating if not challenging. A favorite "Outsider" game of the Kr'dimn is, of course, chess.

Major Population Centers:

All population centers in the Collective contain roughly 100,000 people, meaning that there are 750 such areas throughout Pelus. These centers are called Provinces, which are divided into Lay of 4,000 people which have one tribunal to oversee disputes and hand out justice. 

Chronic Problems:

The Kr'dimn have managed to lead peaceable lives in their pursuit of the Collective Ideal for well over 1,000 years. Their vast knowledge is slowly creeping into learning centers throughout the Galaxy. Problems which now threaten to surface and become chronic ones are: 
  1. Extreme Conservatives plotting underground to shut the doors of the Collective to "Outsiders."
  2. The strain of trying to understand corporate philosophy in a "utopian socialist" society.
  3. The growing animosity between the Kr'dimn and the Sarnathach.
  4. The threat of exploitation.
  5. The dissolution of the Collective Ideal because of outside influences.
  6. The issue of Entropy vs. The Ordered Nothing.
  7. The impact of technology on a backwater society.
  8. Myriad other problems which may arise.

[Note: Other specific information on the Sarnathach will be furnished on request.] 

Submission Information:

Submitter's Name: Mickey Christian DeCicco 
Submitter's Email: mikkon_7@hocomtmail. 

Sifter Name: Falcon
Sifter E-mail: