Empire Name: The Cynexian Empire

a.k.a. The Empire, The Bug States.



CoLC Index


Q-dex / Technology / Magic
Size / Population / Climate & Geography / Flora & Fauna
History / Government / Foreign Policy / Domestic Policy
Society / Languages / Religions / Castes / Economy
Military / Sports & Leisure / Major Population Centers / Chronic Problems


MSR: Life/Mana TSR: Life Bipolar
T 567.8214/613.556A M 768.7585/886.62


Technology is not an uncommon thing on the Cynexian planets. Much of the advancement has taken place in only the last 15 years or so(planetary time). The technology is rather unusual in that the nature of the physical laws of the zone make it such that life is the basis for everything. Thus, much of the technology is made up of living cells or operates on energies produced by living things. It is also not common to find a mix of technology and magic, since life is the basis for both. Many items carry a technological effect in addition to its more commonly used mystical effect.


The Magic in the Empire is also a bit unusual. It uses the Life/Mana Q-dex term. What this means is that life and mana are drawn to each other and can create effects. In this way, every being in this zone will gain a small amount of magic at least. Those who study it can become very powerful. One of the more common forms for magic to take in this zone is psionics. Psionics is the use of mystical forces combined with one's own mind to create "psychic" or "psychokinetic" effects. There is always a new technique for simplifying an existing ability or perhaps a new ability entirely. Magic is inherent in sentient beings and life that much of the magic uses technology as an extra advantage.


The Cynexian Empire spans only one star system, but it does so from end to end.
There are three planets in the system, named Cyncore after it's sun. Of the three,
a total of two are inhabitable by the Cynexians, though one has an environment that
only a cynexian could live in. Humans can go there only with a large amount of
heat protection.
The Cynexian home planet, Cynexia, has one moon, it is inhabitable only by Cynexians.
Aquor, A planet devoid of land, has one moon that is inhabitable. It also has a space station.
Necra, inhabitable by nearly anyone, has no moons.
Surrounding the entire system in a sphere is the Outer Barrier. It guards against intrusion from the greater galaxy when not wanted.
NOTE: Many Cynexians do not name their moons, but refer to them as "Cychi",
meaning "Spirited Ones". None of the moons are inhabited.
See file included for picture and names of planets, moons, and system.


The Cynexians reproduce very quickly, thus the population of the entire race is around 38
billion on the Planets in their system. They do not populate moons because they are considered sacred. Their home planet, Cynexia, has around 12 billion, while the other one, Necra, has about 8 billion. About 700 million live in other star systems and on the dead planet and space station in their own.

Climate and Geography:

Necra is fairly flat, with few mountains. It has one salt water ocean and a maze of rivers and streams. Climates are fairly warm, quite nice for a cynexian, but rather hot for a human. Cynexia's orbit takes it close enough to Cyncore that very little water exists and the temperatures go into the 200's F. This is even a little hot for a Cynexian, who is most comfortable in 160-190 degree weather. The planet's surface is barren desert. The Cynexians live within the planet. Inside, the temperatures get only as high as about 180 F.

Flora and Flauna:

There are two Sentient beings known in the CAOS. One are the "true" Cynexians. These people are humanoid in shape, but rather like bugs in biology. They are bipeds with four limbs, two arms and two legs. They speak a language of clicking and grunts, but more commonly communicate through psionics. They are tall compared to humans, reaching a average height of 6'4" or so. The other sentient life is a bit different. They are best described as half-plant, half-mystical energy. Much of the existent technology and magic is thanks to these creatures. They have no society for themselves, they live off the Cynexians' society. They are very small, material wise, consisting but a few cells per being. However, if you were to take a look inside one of their mind's(with psionics) you would find a great magical store of Mystical Energies. They speak Cynexian as well as a host of other languages. Quite passive and very interested in learning, they are called plodor or "plant-learners". Now down to the basics. Many of the plants and animals living on Necra are similar to what you would find on Earth. However, a goodly amount of the creatures have an exoskeleton of one kind or another. Scholars theorize that most of the life on the planet came from one bug-like creature that evolved. The only other things of note is that insects and arachnids are 1) much bigger and 2) commonly found as pets. On Cynexia the only animals have been brought from the other planets or burrow in the planets interior. The most notable is something very similar to the antlion, which has been cultivated and used as food on all the planets, especially Cynexia because it can live there in the wild much better than most animals.


Approximately 3000 years ago, planetary time, the first ancient cynexians appeared. They were very similar to the Cynexians of today, just not as advanced. About 15 years ago, a pod crashed onto the planet. It crashed right down into the middle of a little war. Inside was a human. He was the sole survivor of a ship that crossed into the Cynexians Quantom Zone. His name was Frutex. The Cynexians revered him and, as he had gone a little insane after spending several years inside a little escape pod eating beans, declared himself king. His first decree was to learn. And that they did. They learned all about interstellar navigation and magic in 14 years. Last year, they crossed the Quantom front and were discovered by the Greater Galaxy. 9 months ago, the worlds of the Cynexian Empire were formally accepted by the Omnet and the rest of the Galaxy.


The only government is the King. What he says goes. That's it. Nothing to it.

Foreign Policy:
The rest of the galaxy sees the Cynexians as a race of warmongers, not so much as people. They always start fights and someone always comes in and tells them to cool it. They are completely indifferent to other races, but are interested in learning about their civilizations. If you need someone to trade with, stay away from the Cynexians.

Domestic Policy:
There is quite a large amount of internal fighting, but the psionics blend the mind of the King into the Cynexians. Everything a person does is known about by anyone who wants to know.If a crime is committed, the guilty party or suspected party is tried before the King. If found guilty they are set to a time at hard labor working for the Cynexians without pay, then they are stoned. Unfortunately for the Cynexians, almost everyone is guilty to the King.


Everyone in their society acts together and with cohesion for the most part. The King's higher mind controls the Cynexians almost entirely. Anyone watching the Cynexians work would assume that they are psychic. They know what everyone they are working with is doing and react accordingly. There is a more modern group, called Pychi, or "Nutty Ones". They have developed a limited intellect and resist the King. Unfortunately, they are being wiped out.

There are two languages in the Empire. One is the Cynexian language or the "Upper" language. The other is the Hudiros language, or the "Lower" language. The upper language is used by the King and his close associates, while the lower language is used by outsiders and the rest of the Empire. The upper-class knows and uses the Lower language when talking to the Lower-class. It would be common to hear only the Lower language on the street. The upper language is spoken only if there are lower-class citizens or outsiders(humans, etc.) present that shouldn't hear.

There is one religion. "The King is God." That's it.

There are two main levels of the society. One is the upper-class(rulers) and the other is the lower-class(workers). The only real difference is that upper-class runs the show. The upper-class also has its own language. Interaction is very common and not even thought about.


The Cynexians don't have currency, the King owns everything, the Cynexians just borrow some of it. Since the King owns everything, no one worries about what is what.


In the Cynexian Empire, everyone is a soldier. They are just trained in different areas of combat. Here are some examples of Cynexian Military Devices.

Stellar Tactics Bomber(S.T.B.)
This is a bio-ship. It is made of both mechanical and living parts. This has advantages and disadvantages. First, it makes the ship very vulnerable to attack. All living parts are controlled by a central Plodor who commands up to 10 others in running the biological and mystical parts. In the cockpit, a single Cynexian runs the weapons and mechanical parts.

Mystic Weaponry:
Spirit Blast
This is a weapon that uses mystic power to guide it to its target. It is the most common weapon, since the Plodor provide the energy to use it. It is a rather weak weapon.

Technical Weaponry:
High Energy LifeBeam(H.E.L.)
These are the most powerful weapons in the entire hoard. They fire a highly energized beam of pure life. The result? Death. What if it's not alive? Well, it goes kaboom, hopefully.

Bern-Exploratory Ships
This bio-ship was named for its creator and its purpose. They are diplomatic vessels on missions of exploration. They were vessels to first encounter sentient from other parts of the galaxy.

Hand-to-Hand Dimmer Gun(Dimmer for short)
This device contains living parts and requires a sentient to activate it. This gun uses mystical energy to stun an opponent without hurting them. It has few charges before it must be recharged.

Food-Light Packager
These devices transport food from a set source to provide food for a starving army. These are EMERGENCY DEVICES. They are to be used only if the army has run out of rations. It has very low power and recharges extremely slowly: about 2 years for one that is completely drained.

All-terrain Hover Tank(A.T.H.T.)
This is a Bio-vehicle. This tank is completely enclosed other than exposed living parts and uses a high energy psionics blast to destroy its opponents minds. This weapon, unfortunately, leaks some kind of poison which has very similar effects as the weapon. They can run over nearly any surface and very deep into water.

Sports and Leisure:

The only thing the Cynexians do other than work and train is beat each other to pulp in duels. The duels are extremely violent and quite a few Cynexians die yearly as a result.

Major Population Centers:

The capital is on Cynexia. The name of the city is Vi' tor. It is the center for the King and therefore, all of the politics and government. It is a very large city, consisting of about 1 Billion Cynexians living there. Each year during spring, there is a great festival of bashing. Often referred to as the Great Festival, it is one of the most popular festivals and the population of the city often rises to 2 Billion during it.

Chronic Problems:

The largest problem the Empire faces is the pervasive effects of the Pychi. Their mission seems to have to do with undermining the Cynexian society. Everyday, more and more citizens are killed by members or converted. There are rumors of a great uprisal very soon. The King has maintained control thus far.

Submission Information:

Submitter's Name: Max Reichlin
Submitter's Email: ryoohki36@aol.com

Sifter's Name: Dave Johnson