The Avatarian Empire


The Avatarian Empire, located in sector H, has evolved into a high-tech spacefaring sector.  Long ago, the empire was home to many magical worlds. Since the creation of technology however, the magic has slowly disappeared from most of the worlds. When magic began to fade, the god AVATAR disappeared along with the most magical of all the other planets. He promised his people he would still watch over them and would be back one day to restore the days of old. It is strongly believed that the planet still exists and is merely cloaked by AVATAR to protect it from the corruption of technology. A few special races of humanoids existed on that planet, and even today members of those species surface from time to time with magical powers and/or abilities. These beings, referred to as AVATAR’s Children, give hope that one day he will return. Until that day, the Space Navy vows to protect the sector and the hidden planet from harm.


CoLC Index


Q-dex / Technology / Mystic
Size / Population / Climate & Geography / Flora & Fauna
History / Government / Foreign Policy / Domestic Policy
Society / Languages / Religion / Castes / Economy
Military / Sports & Leisure / Major Population Centers / Chronic Problems
Submission Information 


T 744.1111/[100-149].498O M 777.1111/[100-149].55 

Atis note: I have as yet been unable to determine the exact Q-dex referents that apply to this zone. I have however been able to narrow it down to a particular range.


The Empire is spacefaring with “light speed/warp speed” capabilities. A large Space Navy defends the sector with high powered energy weapons and shields and battle mecha. Most of the planets are highly industrial and are proficiently skilled in construction of space vessels and military weaponry.


Magic still exists in the Empire. About 20% of the collective beings in the Empire have magical abilities, though many are very minor or weak abilities. To have magic is to be revered and envied, though many do not want their powers known for fear of study or enlistment into the Empire's “special forces.” 

AVATAR’s Children are fully magically inclined and make up a small percentage of the population. They are usually lone wolves, so to speak, and deny any knowledge of a hidden planet. They are either telling the truth, had their memories wiped, or are very good liars, because even under hypnosis and torture their stories never change. AVATAR’s Children are generally protectors of the sector in their own way and guardians and teachers to the magically inclined.


The Empire is one large star system with two separate stars. The system is contained inside a nebula-type cloud that gives the space a purple haze. The cloud tends to have magical properties of its own from time to time. This makes sensors in this area unreliable to most travellers through this sector, though the natives have calibrated their own equipment to compensate for the cloud. The cloud was probably created when the two systems crossed paths and some of the magic planets collided, releasing the magic energy that created the cloud and leaving the second star to become trapped within the gravity of the other larger star. The second star revolves around the larger one and still has seven planets that revolve around it. There are nearly three dozen planets in the system. All the planets in the system sustain life including three planets with artificial bio-domes.


No information at present.

Climate and Geography: 

No information at present.

Flora and Fauna: 

No information at present. 


No information at present. 


The Empire is ruled by an Emperor, currently Mathius Harken of Arth. The government is generally very popular with its people. Everyone is generally loyal to the Empire though sometimes its methods go against the principles of some people. The government is very large, with facilities on every planet of the system. 

Foreign Policy: 

The Empire is wary of outsiders, though it promotes the visitation and migration of magically inclined beings. It is generally protective though of its territory as promised long ago. Nevertheless, the Empire tends to be helpful in areas that fall outside its own borders, and welcomes trade on the most outer planet of the system where all planets in the system send their goods to be sold to outside buyers. The empire is always interested in purchasing magical items and texts. 

Domestic Policy: 

The Empire is protective of its cause and does not tolerate anyone who speaks out against its goal.  Military police inhabit every planet and there is a basic moral code to follow. However, for natives to the system this isn't so bad. The police are there for their protection. Most people follow the laws willingly and support them, and everyone supports the goals of the Empire. The government is quite relaxed towards its citizens, only requiring a fairly low minimum percentage of each planet's population to volunteer into the navy every year. Most people want to join anyway and this has never been a problem.


No information at present. 


No information at present. 


Religion is on the verge of becoming mythology. There are still those who hold onto the old beliefs of the war between the alignments and AVATAR’s creation of the system. AVATAR still has many followers, though they grow fewer every year. It has been so long since anyone has had word, that children take them as fairy tales and after a few generations it slowly becomes just that. However, AVATAR’s Children are a constant reminder of what took place long ago. 


No information at present.


No information at present.


The Navy is the focus of the Empire. The Emperor has authority over the Navy, though individual commanders usually command unless otherwise ordered. Special squadrons are formed every year for the annual deployment of a exploration force. These special convoys are sent to explore new territory, help those in danger, and seek out information on magic for studies back home. Fifty percent of the overall Empire is involved in the military one way or another. The military prides itself on its advanced energy weapons shields and battle mecha.

Sports and Leisure: 

No information at present.

Major Population Centers: 

No information at present.

Chronic Problems:

The Empire fears the loss of magic and makes its prime effort to be the reinstatement of mana to the system. Also, there is a force that wishes to find the hidden planet for its own and sends spies and and assassins to each planet, not to mention the occasional space convoy for interstellar dog fights.

Submission Information: 

Submitter's Name: Matthew Harkey
Submitter's Email: 

Sifter: Matt Karlov